bugSpamAssassin Milter Plugin - Bugs: bug #17178, Regression error between 0.3.0 and...


bug #17178: Regression error between 0.3.0 and 0.3.1 parsing 'Received' headers

Submitter:  Joseph D. Wagner <technojoe>
Submitted:  Sun 23 Jul 2006 06:02:59 AM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Closed
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Mon 24 Jul 2006 08:07:28 PM UTC, comment #1: 

You're right.  I left off the close-paren from the envelope-from section and the semicolon before the date.  I've commited fixes to CVS.

Dan Nelson <dnelson>
Group administrator
Sun 23 Jul 2006 06:02:59 AM UTC, original submission:  

spamass-milter-0.3.1 has at least two significant errors when parsing 'Received' headers:

1) spamass-milter erroneously adds the 'envelope-from' header in lowercase form to the end of the first 'Received' header (after the date) and does so with an opening parenthesis but without a closing parenthesis.

2) spamass-milter erroneously removes the semi-colon seperating the date at the end of a 'Received' header from the rest of the header.  This is a significant because it causes spam reporting sites (e.g. spamcop) to reject spam reports as not having a valid date.

For testing, I compiled spamass-milter directly from sources.

I am using Fedora Core 4, sendmail-8.13.7-2.fc4.2, and spamassassin-3.0.6-1.fc4.

It is important to note that spamass-milter-0.3.0 parsed without these errors, and the versions of sendmail and spamassion were the same for both tests.  The only variable that changed was the version of spamass-milter.

Joseph D. Wagner <technojoe>


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