bugGlobulation 2 - Bugs: bug #25257, commands get committed later and...


bug #25257: commands get committed later and later during a game

Submitter:  Leo Wandersleb <giszmo>
Submitted:  Tue 06 Jan 2009 01:26:50 AM UTC
Severity:  3 - Normal Status:  In Progress
Assigned to:  None Open/Closed:  Open
Release:  0.9.4 (Beta 4) Operating System:  None
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Tue 06 Jan 2009 04:47:17 PM UTC, comment #1: 

I have changed the fix for this bug. I have removed the upper limit on latency, and simply disabled the latency push-up entirely for this release.

Bradley Arsenault <genixpro>
Group administrator
Tue 06 Jan 2009 01:26:50 AM UTC, original submission:  

the command queue length algorithm makes the queue far too long. while this adoption mechanism was originally designed to improve gameplay on high latency networks, the latency push-up happens even on very low latency setups, namely when i play vs. myself on localhost. as the latency constantly increases, it hits every number late in a game and 20s of delay was hit in a testrun of less than half an hour.

i limited the latency push-up to no more than 30 frames (that is 2s) but i assume most games will hit this with no need so this is only a very poor hack.

Leo Wandersleb <giszmo>
Group Member


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