buggNewSense GNU/Linux - Bugs: Browse Items

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Item ID Summary Status Assigned to Submitted
#28163 Not all software is Free 2009-12-04
#28164 Backport Ekiga and GNU Telephony Confirmed 2009-12-04
#28169 X11 is too slow Confirmed 2009-12-04
#28176 ALSA Audio Mixing support for Yeeloong djbclark 2009-12-05
#28177 "merge" icecat and iceweasel. Need Info 2009-12-05
#28204 Remove reverse dependencies when removing packages Confirmed 2009-12-06
#28228 TalkSoup missing icon in the menu Upstream 2009-12-08
#28232 Sharing service non installed 2009-12-08
#28257 Yeeloong webcam not working in Ekiga and Cheese (video mode) djbclark 2009-12-11
#28293 alpine cannot remove message status 'deleted' Postponed 2009-12-14
#28304 gNewSense /proc/version refers to Debian. 2009-12-15
#28385 adapt merge-o-matic from ubuntu In Progress delqn 2009-12-23
#28399 Would be nice to package / include ar9170usb firmware djbclark 2009-12-25
#28498 Request for version of GDB and GLIBC that work well on mipsel / yeeloong djbclark 2010-01-06
#28510 Modify infrastructure to work with Debian PTS. Postponed kgoetz 2010-01-07
#28528 Killgard code in various packages Confirmed 2010-01-08
#28599 wifi error messages need to be nicer on console djbclark 2010-01-13
#28619 Need good way to scroll in a 1024x768 screen on the 1024x600 yeeloong 2010-01-15
#28623 Power management problem (when using external battery pack) 2010-01-15
#28624 Bad defaults cause bad bug (default audio levels may be silly on yeeloong) Need Info 2010-01-15
#28626 Logging out of X hoses terminal 7 (on yeeloong) 2010-01-15
#28806 reconfigure apache logging on www.gns.o kgoetz 2010-02-04
#28849 suggestion to include pppoe and console-cyrillic into basic iso Confirmed 2010-02-09
#29043 wine cannot be executed on amd64 2010-03-02
#29062 Change DNS setup to distribute load over our mirors better. 2010-03-04
#29075 update mini-dinstall to support 'true' archive pool delqn 2010-03-05
#29119 "Canada" keyboard screw-up Confirmed 2010-03-08
#29134 merge-o-matic should hardlink if packages are the same delqn 2010-03-09
#29135 merge-o-matic could commit patches into a bzr repo delqn 2010-03-09
#29166 include hibernation script from lemote 2010-03-10
#29215 modify dput to discard binaries 2010-03-14
#29377 Supply gNS python-apt configs to upstream Upstream kgoetz 2010-03-30
#29422 restrucure filesystem on archive.gns.o kgoetz 2010-04-01
#29599 ltsp-build-client fails Need Info 2010-04-18
#29654 Warning message during postgresql installation Confirmed 2010-04-24
#29838 yeeloong-base init should run before networking init Confirmed 2010-05-09
#29840 MT19937 implementation is non-free Need Info samgee 2010-05-09
#30027 Galeon web browser proposes to download flashplayer plugin. In Progress pitof 2010-06-01
#30544 Email debian-www to have gNS added to the children-distros page In Progress kgoetz 2010-07-25
#30758 metad yeeloong install - grub error message 2010-08-12
#30899 Values in default /boot/ boot.cfg not useful for booting 2010-08-29
#32026 Hibernate breaks yeeloong-base script Need Info 2011-01-02
#32064 gNewSense yeeloong: GRUB lists gNewSense as Debian after aborted kernel installation 2011-01-06
#32183 RFP: acpi for Yeeloong Confirmed 2011-01-19
#32341 Suspend/hibernate for Yeeloong 2011-02-03
#33146 "Forgot your password?" does not work Confirmed 2011-04-22
#33450 Non-free and non-commerical portion in abuse-frabs Upstream 2011-05-31

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