buggNewSense GNU/Linux - Bugs: Browse Items

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Item ID Summary down Status Assigned to Submitted
#48269 Non-Free Software From Programming Language Package Managers 2016-06-19
#29119 "Canada" keyboard screw-up Confirmed 2010-03-08
#33146 "Forgot your password?" does not work Confirmed 2011-04-22
#28177 "merge" icecat and iceweasel. Need Info 2009-12-05
#28385 adapt merge-o-matic from ubuntu In Progress delqn 2009-12-23
#39139 add icon on desktop Need Info 2013-06-02
#37232 Add sakis3g to gNewSense Need Info samgee 2012-08-31
#42911 Add support for Fuloong 2014-08-04
#28293 alpine cannot remove message status 'deleted' Postponed 2009-12-14
#34215 Alpine contains non-free code Upstream samgee 2011-09-05
#28176 ALSA Audio Mixing support for Yeeloong djbclark 2009-12-05
#33877 angband-doc- is nonfree In Progress samgee 2011-07-28
#41095 apt-file package fails to sync with database Confirmed 2014-01-04
#34219 Asterisk has a file that doesn't allow modification Upstream 2011-09-05
#33557 Axiom has a non-commercial component Upstream 2011-06-13
#28164 Backport Ekiga and GNU Telephony Confirmed 2009-12-04
#28624 Bad defaults cause bad bug (default audio levels may be silly on yeeloong) Need Info 2010-01-15
#34590 Blender License Problems In Progress kgoetz 2011-10-18
#41033 blends-dev: references non-free repositories Confirmed 2013-12-30
#34593 bogofilter has some non-free files In Progress kgoetz 2011-10-18
#39592 bubbros: contains sourceless binaries Confirmed 2013-07-28
#41788 cannot force_load=1 thinkpad_acpi 2014-03-06
#29062 Change DNS setup to distribute load over our mirors better. 2010-03-04
#45173 could not find kernel image: /isolinux/vesamenu.c32 boot: Need Info 2015-05-24
#39594 deborphan: almost completely non-free Confirmed 2013-07-28
#39747 Default package changes from Deltah and Metad missing in Parkes 2013-08-10
#40046 Despam action does not delete page Upstream 2013-09-16
#39595 dist: fully non-free Confirmed 2013-07-28
#39596 dokuwiki: contains non-free library Confirmed 2013-07-28
#39597 durep: fully non-free Confirmed 2013-07-28
#30544 Email debian-www to have gNS added to the children-distros page In Progress kgoetz 2010-07-25
#39711 Enable TLS on website 2013-08-07
#39232 epiphany-browser frequently segfaults if javascript is enabled 2013-06-11
#39598 etktab: fully non-free Confirmed 2013-07-28
#39599 filters: kenny is non-free Confirmed 2013-07-28
#40838 freezing problem thinkpad t430i Need Info 2013-12-08
#43477 Full disk encryption does not work 2014-10-26
#30027 Galeon web browser proposes to download flashplayer plugin. In Progress pitof 2010-06-01
#39611 gbase: fully non-free Confirmed 2013-07-29
#43476 Gnash locks up Lemote Yeelong 2014-10-26
#28304 gNewSense /proc/version refers to Debian. 2009-12-15
#39986 gNewSense LiveUSBs created with LinuxLive USB Creator do not work 2013-09-08
#39912 gNewSense LiveUSBs created with UNetbootin do not work 2013-08-31
#32064 gNewSense yeeloong: GRUB lists gNewSense as Debian after aborted kernel installation 2011-01-06
#42916 Gnuplot contains non-free files Confirmed 2014-08-05
#47901 Graphics fails to start after installation Confirmed 2016-05-11
#32026 Hibernate breaks yeeloong-base script Need Info 2011-01-02
#39612 icmpinfo: fully non-free Confirmed 2013-07-29

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