bugLordsAWar! - Bugs: Browse Items

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19 matching items

Item ID Summary down Status Assigned to Submitted
#63790 0.3.3-pre2: loading maps or saved games with MAP rewards is broken 2023-02-11
#63792 0.3.3-pre2: re-loaded game segfaults on group/ungroup 2023-02-11
#63783 0.3.3.pre2: sets ally_type and ally_armyset to 0 for rewards 2023-02-10
#24404 add a hotkey to quickly exit the game 2008-09-29
#27673 Add Capability to Load an Image in the Background 2009-10-11
#60317 Battle calculator still not stable module 2021-04-01
#61771 Crash report 2022-01-05 2022-01-08
#32481 Deb-Package 2011-02-14
#60496 Default random scenario parameters 2021-05-02
#42731 diplomacy 2014-07-11
#60103 Fog of war doesn't show enemy turns on player's explored map zones 2021-02-23
#24337 networked players have duplicate history records 2008-09-21
#32489 Promote LordsAWar 2011-02-15
#24474 Runtime warnings Gdk/GLib 2008-10-07
#60097 russian translation instructions 2021-02-22
#46614 Segfault on OpenBSD 2015-12-05
#61639 The scenario isn't valid 2021-12-08
#24521 Translations 2008-10-10
#63671 Unable to start game in windows 10 2023-01-15

19 matching items

Open Items Priority Colors:
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Closed Items Priority Colors:
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