bugWeeChat - Bugs: Browse Items

Browse with the query form and selection.
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Column heading links sort results (up or down), you can also sort by priority or reset sort.You can also deactivate multicolumn sort.

45 matching items

Item ID Summary Status Assigned to Submitted
#16357 Problem with key binding when another key with same prefix exists flashcode 2006-04-17
#24927 Splitting messages in &bitlbee addresses part wrong 2008-11-25
#27443 smart filter is not working when connected to irssi proxy 2009-09-14
#27604 The very last charactor disappears when input with a long input line mixed with Chinese and English charactors Confirmed flashcode 2009-10-05
#27712 When a python script autload failed the next scripts are not auto loaded 2009-10-15
#27915 Nicklist doesn't reset back to beginning when changing buffers. 2009-11-02
#30726 '/reconnect -all': Missing error msg when not connected 2010-08-10
#31091 python plugin: import gtk throws error Need Info flashcode 2010-09-20
#31283 filename completion breaks when path includes spaces. 2010-10-09
#31932 hook_modifier(weechat_print) does not discard each message if you return empty string Confirmed flashcode 2010-12-19
#32079 Order of buffers are displayed wrong when you launch Weechat with irc.look.notice_as_pv = always 2011-01-08
#32649 Relay plugin: Messages sent over the relay should (maybe) remain unmodified by scripts Postponed flashcode 2011-03-02
#33836 'MODE #channel' answers displayed atfer parting #channel Postponed flashcode 2011-07-23
#34246 Variable substitution in aliases commands 2011-09-07
#34290 nick_ignore_chars should be respected when ordering nicks for completion 2011-09-14
#34722 /wii nickname doesn't show away message if query/buffer/window open 2011-11-02
#35079 large paste in input, makes weechat eat 100% cpu 2011-12-15
#35320 sys.path is incorrect when running in a python virtualenv flashcode 2012-01-17
#35443 Cyrillic characters are changed in config files, when starting weechat from linux terminal with LANG='' Need Info flashcode 2012-02-03
#35844 jump misbehaviour with ctrl+r search 2012-03-14
#36131 In some situations WeeChat jumps to first line of buffer when last line is reached 2012-04-08
#36573 Respect weechat.look.save_config_on_exit 2012-06-01
#37427 leading whitespaces stripped from script commands 2012-09-23
#37544 /buffer <name fragment> should be case insensitive Need Info flashcode 2012-10-11
#38073 Mouse input sometimes not recognised when using MinTTY terminal 2013-01-13
#38191 perl encoding hell 2013-01-29
#38193 No reset of bold in irc colored messages when terminal has 8 colors Confirmed flashcode 2013-01-29
#38352 Tab completion for scripting languages pbos 2013-02-19
#38818 /reconnect without arguments uses first address instead of current one 2013-04-24
#39090 attempt to malloc() value close to 2^64 when scrolling with mouse Need Info flashcode 2013-05-28
#39109 Private highlight on server messages while using ZNC 2013-05-28
#39215 partial nick completion broken for nicks that include any of nick_ignore_chars 2013-06-09
#39362 CMakeFiles modification to work with LuaJIT 2013-06-28
#39452 Homebrew install links ruby.so against deprecated system version of ruby, causing SEGFAULT upon ruby plugins load 2013-07-09
#39589 /layout apply <name> un-merges server buffers 2013-07-28
#40118 Invalid breaking of East Asian characters 2013-09-26
#40119 Weechat sends less characters than the maximum specified by the server 2013-09-26
#40120 In merged buffers, backlogs appear where they should not as time runs backwards 2013-09-26
#40281 Using /upgrade while DCC SEND/xfer transfers are pending never closes the listening ports. 2013-10-16
#40650 WeeChat Requires rubylib.so Need Info flashcode 2013-11-20
#40778 /script autoload script.pl doesn't autoload (or autocomplete) non-official scripts (i.e. scripts downloaded manually) 2013-12-02
#41245 weechat fails to build if ncurses is build with the --with-termlib flag Fixed flashcode 2014-01-16
#41416 Problems with color codes in nicks flashcode 2014-01-31
#41525 Runtime errors due to option CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH 2014-02-09
#41725 Do not start if not on a tty 2014-02-27

45 matching items

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