The Functionals Library for Java Library Documentation


These libraries provide a nearly complete version of the lambda calculus with extensions. This document includes:

The Lambda Calculus

Function Constructors

The Lambda Calculus

Introduction to the Lambda Calculus

Caveat reader: This is not a precise, or, even correct, introduction of the Lambda calculus, as there are several accurate and in-depth descriptions available.

The lambda calculus (from Church, et al) allows one to define functions rigorously: a "parameter list" and a "return value" or result or computation or expression or whatever buzzword you like that means doing something that returns a value.

Creating and Using Lambda Terms in Java

This framework provides syntactic extensions to the Java language that allow for a very close imitation of the lambda calculus. A lambda term in Java is actually an anonymous inner class instance of functional.Function, which promotes these anonymous "functions" to first-class objects: they can be passed as parameters, assigned, etc.

To create a lambda term do the following in a .latte file: 3

import functional.*;

  // ... in a method
  final Function succ = \ x . x + 1;
  final Function mult = \ x . \ y . x * y;

Lambda terms can be used in any place that anonymous inner class instantiation occurs (see, e.g. functional.Fn for descriptions of methods (iterators) that use lambda terms:

   // ...
   boolean myFlavor = Fn.any(\x . x = "chocolate", flavors);

Supported Operations in Lambda4J

The Five Arithmetic Operators
+N.B.: only arithmetic addition (but also including character to integer addition), string concatenation shall be handled by ++ (!!) 4
-N.B.: A character minus a character returns an integer
Boolean operators
=not assignment, think more of Prolog's unification on two constants, as this token is converted into equals/1.
List Operations
All List Operations are not yet available.
obj : [elt]conses obj onto the head of the list, return list is [obj, elt] (partially implemented)
obj : listSystem doesn't yet know that list is a valid list, so the parser fails here
++concatenates two lists
[elt]List constructor of a single instance.
[1, 2, elt] List constructor returning a List instance containing 1, 2, and 3 if elt is 3 and the list is eager.
"a string" Strings are converted into a list of characters internally and returned as java.lang.String objects.

Utility Functions

Higher-Order Functions
These functions are members of functional.Fn
map(fn/1, list) : List Creates and returns a new List instance by applying fn to each element of list (list can be an Iterator or a List instance)
fold(fn/2, seed, list) : Object Returns an object that is the accumulation of successive applications of fn to the elements of list. The process is started by applying fn to seed and list.get(0) 5, 6
fold(fn/2, list) : Object Same as above, but uses the first first element of list as the seed.
unfold(test/1, f/1, g/1, seed) : LazyList Creates a LazyList by recursively applying f to a value until the result is done. The value is computed by applying g to the previous value. The first input value is seed, the first element of the list is f(seed), the second input value is g(seed).
unfold(f/1, g/1, seed) : LazyList Same as above, but the LazyList produced is infinite, as there's no test to stop the process.
filter(test/1, list) : List Selects all the elements that are true for test and returns them as a List
partition(test/1, list) : List Returns a List of two lists: the first list is all the elements that pass test, the second list is all the other elements.
any(test/1, list) : boolean Returns true if any element of list passes test.
every(test/1, list) : boolean Returns true only if every element in list passes test.
List Functions
toList(list) : LazyList Converts (currently) int[], char[], Object[], String, List or Iterator instances to a LazyList instance.
toIterator(list) : Iterator Same deal -- converts an object (we hope some kind of collection) into an iterator.
reverse(list) : LazyList Returns (e.g.) [4, 3, 2, 1] from [1, 2, 3, 4]
take(n, list) : LazyList returns the first n elements of list.
drop(n, list) : LazyList Removes the first n elements from list and returns the remainder.
String Functions
just because
commaSeparatedList(fn/1, list) : String This method iterates over a list, returning it as a String. fn transforms an element into a String (optionally doing some modification).
commaSeparatedList(list) : String This method iterates over a list, returning it as a String. Each element is converted by calling its toString/0 method.
indefiniteArticle(noun) : String indefiniteArticle("owl") returns "an owl"
capitalize(word) : String Why doesn't java.lang.String have this method?
isVowel(char) : boolean
fromList(list) : String Folds a list of characters into one string
noneOr(string) : String Returns "(none)" or string if string is not null and not empty
htmlLineBreaks(string) : String Puts "<br>" where it encounters carriage returns in string
classname(obj) : String Returns just the class name of obj

Function Constructors

The following syntax extensions allow one to create functions by manipulating other functions. Place these constructs (they should be final, if possible) into a file with .latte extension. To compile latte files, execute the following commands in order:

  1. java lambda.parser < foo.latte >
  2. javac
\' foo /\ bar;This method implements a higher-order and (&&) operation. It takes two predicates (a predicate is a Function instance that returns a Boolean) and returns a new predicate that is the intersection of the two.
\' foo \/ bar;This method implements a higher-order or (||) operation. It takes two predicates and returns a new predicate that is the union of the two.
\' ~foo;This method takes a predicate (a Function that returns a Boolean) and creates a Function that returns the opposite result.
\' foo . bar;This method creates a Function h, such that h = foo(bar(xs)).
\' foo(bar);This method takes a Function and its first "argument" and returns a new Function that takes one less parameter ... the original Function has been curried, e.g.: g(y) = foo(x, y), g is foo curried with bar


0 Actually, \ should be lambda, but I use the backslash as some text editors/IDEs do not support Unicode.

1 Read Functional Programming in Haskell for reasons.

2 Remember, the lambda calculus came before programming languages, so the issue of parameter-order ambiguity was a serious one then, which the lambda calculus helped to resolve.

3 Note in the above example that there are no type declarations. The compiler uses type inferencing to declare automagically types for you. The type inferencer currently works on boolean, character, string, and arithmetic (number) expressions (i.e. all supported operations in lambda4J).

4 ++/1 in Java is an impure operation, and is therefore disallowed in the lambda calculus. ++/2 in functional programming (which the lambda calculus describes) stands for list concatenation, which has no side effects.

5 So, (e.g.) summation is Fn.fold(plus, new Integer(0), list)

6 The fold occurs starting from the left of the list.