# Copyright (C) 2004 Fletcher T. Penney # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc. # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 # Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA $ModulesDescription .= '

$Id: login.pl,v 1.8 2006/08/06 11:47:14 as Exp $

'; #use vars qw($RegistrationForm $MinimumPasswordLength $RegistrationsMustBeApproved $LoginForm $PasswordFile $PendingPasswordFile $RequireLoginToEdit $ConfirmEmailAddress $ConfirmEmailAddress $UncomfirmedPasswordFile $EmailSenderAddress $EmailCommand $NotifyPendingRegistrations $EmailConfirmationMessage $ResetPasswordMessage $RegistrationForm $LogoutForm $ResetForm $ChangePassForm $RequireCamelUserName); my $EncryptedPassword = ""; push(@MyAdminCode, \&LoginAdminRule); $EmailRegExp = '[\w\.\-]+@([\w\-]+\.)+[\w]+'; $UsernameRegExp = '([A-Z][a-z]+){2,}'; $RequireCamelUserName = 0 unless defined $RequireCamelUserName; $RequireLoginToEdit = 1 unless defined $RequireLoginToEdit; $MinimumPasswordLength = 6 unless defined $MinimumPasswordLength; $PasswordFile = "$DataDir/passwords" unless defined $PasswordFile; $RegistrationsMustBeApproved = 1 unless defined $RegistrationsMustBeApproved; $PendingPasswordFile = "$DataDir/pending" unless defined $PendingPasswordFile; $ConfirmEmailAddress = 1 unless defined $ConfirmEmailAddress; $UncomfirmedPasswordFile = "$DataDir/uncomfirmed" unless defined $UncomfirmedPasswordFile; $EmailSenderAddress = "fletcher\@freeshell.org" unless defined $EmailSenderAddress; $EmailCommand = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -t" unless defined $EmailCommand; $NotifyPendingRegistrations = "fletcher\@mercury.local" unless defined $NotifyPendingRegistrations; $EmailConfirmationMessage = qq!From: $EmailSenderAddress Subject: $SiteName Registration Confirmation This email address was used to create an account at $SiteName. If you did not register at this site, you do not need to do anything. Otherwise, in order to confirm your account, follow the link below. Thank you... ! unless defined $EmailConfirmationMessage; $ResetPasswordMessage = qq!From: $EmailSenderAddress Subject: $SiteName Password Reset We received a request to reset your password on our website. Your password has been reset (see below). You may log in and change to a password of your choice. Thank you... ! unless defined $ResetPasswordMessage; $PasswordFileToUse = $RegistrationsMustBeApproved ? $PendingPasswordFile : $PasswordFile; $PasswordFileToUse = $ConfirmEmailAddress ? $UncomfirmedPasswordFile : $PasswordFileToUse; $RegistrationForm = <<'EOT' unless defined $RegistrationForm;

Your Username should be a CamelCase form of your real name, e.g. JohnDoe.

Your password must be at least 6 characters long.

Your email address must be real, as a confirmation email will be sent to you. Your email address will not be shared with anyone else, or used for any other purpose.

EOT $LoginForm = <<'EOT' unless defined $LoginForm;
EOT $LogoutForm = <<'EOT' unless defined $LogoutForm;
EOT $ResetForm = <<'EOT' unless defined $ResetForm;

Submit your username in order to reset your password.

A temporary password will be mailed to you.

EOT $ChangePassForm = <<'EOT' unless defined $ChangePassForm;
Old Password:
EOT $Action{register} = \&DoRegister; sub DoRegister { my $id = shift; print GetHeader('', Ts('Register for %s', $SiteName), ''); print '
'; $RegistrationForm =~ s/\%([a-z]+)\%/GetParam($1)/ige; $RegistrationForm =~ s/\$([a-z]+)\$/$q->span({-class=>'param'}, GetParam($1)) . $q->input({-type=>'hidden', -name=>$1, -value=>GetParam($1)})/ge; print $RegistrationForm; print '
'; PrintFooter(); } $Action{process_registration} = \&DoProcessRegistration; sub DoProcessRegistration { my $id = shift; my $username = GetParam('username', ''); my $pwd1 = GetParam('pwd1', ''); my $pwd2 = GetParam('pwd2', ''); my $email = GetParam('email', ''); if ($RequireCamelUserName) { ReportError(T('Please choose a username of the form "FirstLast" using your real name.')) unless ($username =~ /$UsernameRegExp/); } ReportError(T('The passwords do not match.')) unless ($pwd1 eq $pwd2); ReportError(Ts('The password must be at least %s characters.', $MinimumPasswordLength)) unless (length($pwd1) > ($MinimumPasswordLength-1)); ReportError(T('That email address is invalid.')) unless ($email =~ /$EmailRegExp/); ReportError(Ts('The username %s has already been registered.',$username)) if (UserExists($username)); print GetHeader('', Ts('Register for %s', $SiteName), ''); if ($RegistrationsMustBeApproved) { if (AddUser($username,$pwd1,$email,$PasswordFileToUse)) { print Ts('Your registration for %s has been submitted.', $SiteName); print " "; print T('Please allow time for the webmaster to approve your request.'); print " "; if ($ConfirmEmailAddress) { print Ts('An email has been sent to "%s" with further instructions.', $email); print " "; } else { SendNotification($username); } } else { ReportError(T('There was an error saving your registration.')); } } else { if (AddUser($username, $pwd1, $email,$PasswordFileToUse)) { print Ts('An account was created for %s.',$username); print " "; if ($ConfirmEmailAddress) { print Ts('An email has been sent to "%s" with further instructions.', $email); print " "; } } else { ReportError(T('There was an error saving your registration.')); } } SendConfirmationEmail($username,$email) if ($ConfirmEmailAddress); PrintFooter(); } $Action{login} = \&DoLogin; sub DoLogin { my $id = shift; print GetHeader('', Ts('Login to %s', $SiteName), ''); print '
'; $LoginForm =~ s/\%([a-z]+)\%/GetParam($1)/ge; $LoginForm =~ s/\$([a-z]+)\$/$q->span({-class=>'param'}, GetParam($1)) . $q->input({-type=>'hidden', -name=>$1, -value=>GetParam($1)})/ge; print $LoginForm; print '
'; PrintFooter(); } $Action{process_login} = \&DoProcessLogin; sub DoProcessLogin { my $id = shift; my $username = GetParam('username', ''); my $pwd = GetParam('pwd', ''); my $email = GetParam('email', ''); ReportError(T('Username and/or password are incorrect.')) unless (AuthenticateUser($username,$pwd)); unlink($IndexFile); print GetHeader('', Ts('Register for %s', $SiteName), ''); print '
'; print Ts('Logged in as %s.', $username); print '
'; PrintFooter(); } $Action{logout} = \&DoLogout; sub DoLogout { my $id = shift; print GetHeader('', Ts('Logout of %s', $SiteName), ''); print '
'; print '

' . Ts('Logout of %s?',$SiteName) . '

'; $LogoutForm =~ s/\%([a-z]+)\%/GetParam($1)/ge; $LogoutForm =~ s/\$([a-z]+)\$/$q->span({-class=>'param'}, GetParam($1)) . $q->input({-type=>'hidden', -name=>$1, -value=>GetParam($1)})/ge; print $LogoutForm; print '
'; PrintFooter(); } $Action{process_logout} = \&DoProcessLogout; sub DoProcessLogout { SetParam('pwd',''); SetParam('username',''); unlink($IndexFile); # I shouldn't have to do this... print GetHeader('', Ts('Logged out of %s', $SiteName), ''); print '
'; print T('You are now logged out.'); print '
'; PrintFooter(); } sub UserExists { my $username = shift; if (open (PASSWD, $PasswordFile)) { while ( ) { if ($_ =~ /^$username:/) { return 1; } } } close PASSWD; if ($RegistrationsMustBeApproved) { if (open (PASSWD, $PendingPasswordFile)) { while ( ) { if ($_ =~ /^$username:/) { return 1; } } } close PASSWD; } if ($ConfirmEmailAddress) { if (open (PASSWD, $UncomfirmedPasswordFile)) { while ( ) { if ($_ =~ /^$username:/) { return 1; } } } close PASSWD; } return 0; } sub AddUser { my ($username, $pwd, $email, $FileToUse) = @_; my @salts = (a..z,A..Z,0..9,'.','/'); my $salt=$salts[rand @salts]; $salt.=$salts[rand @salts]; my $encrypted = crypt($pwd,$salt); $EncryptedPassword = $encrypted; my %passwords = (); my %emails = (); my $key; if (open (PASSWD, $FileToUse)) { while ( ) { if ($_ =~ /^(.*):(.*):(.*)$/) { $passwords{$1}=$2; $emails{$1}=$3; } } } close PASSWD; $passwords{$username} = $encrypted; $emails{$username} = $email; open (PASSWD, ">$FileToUse"); foreach $key ( sort keys(%passwords)) { print PASSWD "$key:$passwords{$key}:$emails{$key}\n"; } close PASSWD; return 1; } *OldUserCanEdit = *UserCanEdit; *UserCanEdit = *LoginUserCanEdit; sub LoginUserCanEdit { my ($id, $editing) = @_; my $user = GetParam('username', ''); my $pwd = GetParam('pwd', ''); if ($RequireLoginToEdit) { if ($user and $pwd) { # If not logged in, return 0. Otherwise, let Oddmuse d$ return 0 unless AuthenticateUser($user, $pwd); return OldUserCanEdit($id, $editing); } return 0; } return OldUserCanEdit($id, $editing); } sub AuthenticateUser { my ($username, $password) = @_; my $line; if (open(PASSWD, $PasswordFile)) { while ($line = ) { if ($line =~ /^$username:(.*):(.*)/) { if (crypt($password,$1) eq $1) { close PASSWD; return 1; } } } } close PASSWD; return 0; } sub LoginAdminRule { ($id, $menuref, *restref) = @_; push(@$menuref, ScriptLink('action=register', T('Register a new account'), 'register')); push(@$menuref, ScriptLink('action=login', T('Login'), 'login')); push(@$menuref, ScriptLink('action=logout', T('Logout'), 'logout')); push(@$menuref, ScriptLink('action=whoami', T('Who am I?'), 'whoami')); push(@$menuref, ScriptLink('action=reset', T('Forgot your password?'), 'reset')); push(@$menuref, ScriptLink('action=change', T('Change your password'), 'change')); if (UserIsAdmin()) { push(@$menuref, ScriptLink('action=approve_pending', T('Approve pending registrations'), 'approve')); } } sub SendConfirmationEmail { my ($username, $email) = @_; my $key = $EncryptedPassword; my @salts = (a..z,A..Z,0..9,'.','/'); my $salt=$salts[rand @salts]; $salt.=$salts[rand @salts]; my $encrypted = crypt($key,$salt); $confirmationLink = "$FullUrl?action=confirm_registration;account=$username;key=$encrypted;"; open (MAIL, "| $EmailCommand"); print MAIL "To: $email\n$EmailConfirmationMessage\n\nClick on the following link to confirm:\n\n$confirmationLink\n\n"; close MAIL; } $Action{confirm_registration} = \&DoConfirmRegistration; sub DoConfirmRegistration { my $id = shift; my $account = GetParam('account', ''); my $key = GetParam('key', ''); if ( ConfirmUser($account,$key)) { print GetHeader('', Ts('Confirm Registration for %s', $SiteName), ''); print Ts('%s, your registration has been approved. You can now use your password to login and edit this wiki.',$account); PrintFooter(); } else { ReportError(Ts('Confirmation failed. Please email %s for help.', $EmailSenderAddress)); } } sub ConfirmUser { my ($username, $key) = @_; my $FileToUse = $RegistrationsMustBeApproved ? $PendingPasswordFile : $PasswordFileToUse; if (open(PASSWD, $UncomfirmedPasswordFile)) { while () { if ($_ =~ /^$username:(.*):(.*)/) { if (crypt($1,$key) eq $key) { AddUser($username,$1,$2,$FileToUse); close PASSWD; RemoveUser($username,$UncomfirmedPasswordFile); if ($RegistrationsMustBeApproved) { SendNotification($username); } return 1; } } } } return 0; } sub RemoveUser { my ($username, $FileToUse) = @_; my %passwords = (); my %emails = (); my $key; if (open (PASSWD, $FileToUse)) { while ( ) { if ($_ =~ /^(.*):(.*):(.*)$/) { next if ($1 eq $username); $passwords{$1}=$2; $emails{$1}=$3; } } } close PASSWD; open (PASSWD, ">$FileToUse"); foreach $key ( sort keys(%passwords)) { print PASSWD "$key:$passwords{$key}:$emails{$key}\n"; } close PASSWD; return 1; } $Action{whoami} = \&DoWhoAmI; sub DoWhoAmI { print GetHeader('', T('Who Am I?'), ''); my $user = GetParam('username', ''); my $pwd = GetParam('pwd', ''); if (AuthenticateUser($user, $pwd)) { print Ts('You are logged in as %s.',GetParam('username', '')); } else { print T('You are not logged in.'); } PrintFooter(); } $Action{reset_password} = \&DoResetPassword; sub DoResetPassword { my $id = shift; my $username = GetParam('username', ''); if (UserExists($username)) { my ($newpass, $newhash) = newpass(); my $email = ChangePassword($username,$newhash); if ($email ne "") { print GetHeader('', T('Reset Password'), ''); print Ts('The password for %s was reset. It has been emailed to the address on file.',$username); PrintFooter(); SendResetEmail($email,$newpass); } else { ReportError(Ts('There was an error resetting the password for %s.',$username)); } } else { ReportError(Ts('The username "%s" does not exist.',$username)); } } sub newpass { # Create a random password my @salts = (a..z,A..Z,0..9,'.','/'); my $salt=$salts[rand @salts]; $salt.=$salts[rand @salts]; my $password = $salts[rand @salts]; for ( $i=0; $i < 7; $i++) { $password .= $salts[rand @salts]; } my $hash = crypt($password, $salt); return ($password, $hash); } sub ChangePassword { my ($user, $hash) = @_; my %passwords = (); my %emails = (); my $key; if (open (PASSWD, $PasswordFile)) { while ( ) { if ($_ =~ /^(.*):(.*):(.*)$/) { $passwords{$1}=$2; $emails{$1}=$3; } } } close PASSWD; $passwords{$user} = $hash; open (PASSWD, ">$PasswordFile"); foreach $key ( sort keys(%passwords)) { print PASSWD "$key:$passwords{$key}:$emails{$key}\n"; } close PASSWD; return $emails{$user}; } $Action{reset} = \&DoReset; sub DoReset { my $id = shift; print GetHeader('', Ts('Reset Password for %s', $SiteName), ''); print '
'; print '

' . T('Reset Password?') . '

'; $ResetForm =~ s/\%([a-z]+)\%/GetParam($1)/ge; $ResetForm =~ s/\$([a-z]+)\$/$q->span({-class=>'param'}, GetParam($1)) . $q->input({-type=>'hidden', -name=>$1, -value=>GetParam($1)})/ge; print $ResetForm; print '
'; PrintFooter(); } sub SendResetEmail { my ($email, $newpass) = @_; open (MAIL, "| $EmailCommand"); print MAIL "To: $email\n$EmailConfirmationMessage\n\nYour new temporary password:\n\n$newpass\n\n"; close MAIL; } $Action{change} = \&DoChangePassword; sub DoChangePassword { my $id = shift; print GetHeader('', Ts('Change Password for %s', $SiteName), ''); print '
'; print '

' . T('Change Password?') . '

'; $ChangePassForm =~ s/\%([a-z]+)\%/GetParam($1)/ge; $ChangePassForm =~ s/\$([a-z]+)\$/$q->span({-class=>'param'}, GetParam($1)) . $q->input({-type=>'hidden', -name=>$1, -value=>GetParam($1)})/ge; print $ChangePassForm; print '
'; PrintFooter(); } $Action{change_password} = \&DoProcessChangePassword; sub DoProcessChangePassword { my $id = shift; my $username = GetParam('username', ''); my $pwd1 = GetParam('pwd1', ''); my $pwd2 = GetParam('pwd2', ''); my $oldpwd = GetParam('oldpwd', ''); ReportError(T('Your current password is incorrect.')) if (! AuthenticateUser($username,$oldpwd)); ReportError(T('The passwords do not match.')) unless ($pwd1 eq $pwd2); ReportError(Ts('The password must be at least %s characters.', $MinimumPasswordLength)) unless (length($pwd1) > ($MinimumPasswordLength-1)); print GetHeader('', Ts('Register for %s', $SiteName), ''); my @salts = (a..z,A..Z,0..9,'.','/'); my $salt=$salts[rand @salts]; $salt.=$salts[rand @salts]; my $encrypted = crypt($pwd1,$salt); ChangePassword($username,$encrypted); print T('Your password has been changed.'); PrintFooter(); } sub SendNotification { my $NewUser = shift; open (MAIL, "| $EmailCommand"); print MAIL "To: $NotifyPendingRegistrations\nFrom: $EmailSenderAddress\nSubject: New User at $SiteName\n\nYou have a new pending registration at $SiteName:\n\n$NewUser\n\n"; close MAIL; } $Action{approve_pending} = \&DoApprovePending; sub DoApprovePending { my $id = shift; my $count = 0; my $ToBeApproved = GetParam('user',''); UserIsAdminOrError(); print GetHeader('', Ts('Approve Pending Registrations for %s', $SiteName), ''); if ($ToBeApproved) { if (ApproveUser($ToBeApproved)) { print Ts('%s has been approved.',$ToBeApproved); } else { print Ts('There was an error approving %s.',$ToBeApproved); } } else { print T('
    '); if (open(PASSWD, $PendingPasswordFile)) { while () { if ($_ =~ /^(.*):(.*):(.*)$/) { print Tss('
  • %1 - %2
  • ',ScriptLink("action=approve_pending;user=$1;",$1),"$3"); $count++; } } } print T('
'); if ($count == 0) { print T('There are no pending registrations.'); } } PrintFooter(); } sub ApproveUser { my ($username) = @_; if (open(PASSWD, $PendingPasswordFile)) { while () { if ($_ =~ /^$username:(.*):(.*)/) { AddUser($username,$1,$2,$PasswordFile); close PASSWD; RemoveUser($username,$PendingPasswordFile); return 1; } } } return 0; }