$Id: TODO,v 1.1 2003/04/03 00:32:40 bignose Exp $ TODO list for TOAD First iteration: --------------- - emphasis on *minimum useful core* so that we can see a complete working prototype - core classes for handling tournament-data objects - Tournament - Round - Match - Player - others? - registry of players - store minimum data on each person - simplest possible match pairing algorithm - single elimination? - round-robin? - random? :-) - entry of match results - simple text interface? we want to get a skeleton to work on, *don't* get bogged into UI design at this stage Future iterations: ----------------- Interface: - non-functional GUI shell so we can start talking about use cases - consider this to be a *throw-away* for discussion only - consider how UI code will interface with function code Data storage: - handle existing data formats for at least import - rgarner's Aus Tournament Rankings format - MacMahon TUR format (get Christoph Gerlach's assistance?) - WinTD format (reverse-engineer required?) - MacTD format (reverse-engineer required?) - design one or more flat-file data storage formats for TOAD - brainstorm different kinds of tournament data we want to store; how do different tournament types and/or game type affect the data to be stored? the interface? the functionality? - board and card games: Go, Chess, Bridge, ... - sports games: tennis, ... - teams? - leagues? Tournament functionality: - brainstorm different tournament types and match pairing algorithms - brainstorm different "real-world" interruptions to procedure and how TOAD should handle them ----- Last updated $Date: 2003/04/03 00:32:40 $ $Author: bignose $