WeeChat - Wee Enhanced Environment for Chat =========================================== ChangeLog - 2004-06-05 Version 0.0.6 (2004-06-05): * improved channel highlight (priority to message vs join/part) * fixed bug when opened private win and remote user changes his nick * /query command added (starts private conversation) * IRC messages 476, 477 added * /mode command is now ok and channel flags are displayed in status bar * fixed display bug (text was blinking when scrolling) * CTCP Version reply is now in english only and doesn't show host (security reason) Version 0.0.5 (2004-02-07): * /set command to modify config options when WeeChat is running * fixed look_nicklist config option, now enables/disables nicklist * secured code to prevent buffer overflows and memory leaks * fixed QUIT IRC command: now sent to all connected servers (not only current) * URL command line parameter to connect to server(s) * new Perl script function to display message in info bar ("IRC::print_infobar") * info bar highlight notifications * info bar timestamp is added to config ("look_infobar_timestamp") * added info bar (optional, "look_infobar" to enable it, "on" by default) * fixed crash with /oper command * for default config file, nick is now based on un*x username (thanks to Witukind) * fixed crash when config file cannot be written * -c (or --config) command line parameter added to see config file options * highlight action messages Version 0.0.4 (2004-01-01): * Perl plugin, with auto-load * when private window is created (another user is talking), WeeChat does not switch to this window * highlight when our nick is written in a channel/private window * ctrl-C now intercepted (ignored) * debug messages can be enabled via ./configure --enbale-debug option Version 0.0.3 (2003-11-03): * ./configure script to build WeeChat * nicks are now correctly sorted (op, halfop, voice, other) * fixed problem with '353' IRC message (nicklist) * fixed problem when nick is truncated by server * fixed crash when entering text without any server connection * fixed crash when /set command is executed * fixed display bug (text was blinking when scrolling) * french translation * new IRC command: /stats, /service, /squit, /motd, /lusers, /links, /time, /trace, /admin, /info, /servlist, /squery, /who, /whowas, /die, /summon, /users, /wallops, /userhost, /ison, /ctcp ping * code cleanup Version 0.0.2 (2003-10-05): * added commands /rehash and /restart * command & auto-join channels when connected to server * new commands for alias: /alias, /unalias (new section in config file) * config is now saved automatically when quitting WeeChat, /save command added * new commands for servers: /server, /connect, /disconnect * added autoconnect flag for each server in config file * added "look_set_title" option in config file * term window title is modified with WeeChat name and version * fixed nicklist display bug * fixed crash when sending command which can only be received * CTCP version returns more info (about OS) Version 0.0.1 (2003-09-27): * ncurses GUI with color output * multi-servers * channel windows, with nicklist (position: top, bottom, left or right) * private windows * IRC commands: away, ctcp, deop, devoice, invite, join, kick, kill, list, me, mode, msg, names, nick, notice, op, oper, part, ping, pong, quit, quote, topic, version, voice, whois * WeeChat commands: clear, help, set (partial) * many config options * log file (~/.weechat/weechat.log) * nicklist can be moved on top, bottom, left or right of window