Samizdat Installation ===================== - Get the Required Software - Install Samizdat Engine - One Code To Run Them All - Samizdat in a Home Directory - Uploads and Other Site-specific Content - Object Cache - Create Database - Connect to the Database - Apache Configuration - Email Interface - Syndication - Samizdat on Windows - Running Tests Get the Required Software ------------------------- You need the following software to run Samizdat: Ruby programming language environment, Apache or Lighttpd web server, PostgreSQL database with enabled PL/pgSQL procedural language (MySQL and SQLite3 are also supported), Ruby/Postgres bindings, Ruby/DBI interface, Ruby/Tidy, Mahoro, and RMagick libraries. For better performance, you should run Samizdat with mod_ruby or FastCGI module. Other recommended modules are: Ruby/GetText for translation of user interface to different languages, Ruby algorithm/diff for version comparison, RedCloth for Textile hypertext markup, TZInfo for timezone conversions. Samizdat will still work if the recommended modules are not present, but the corresponding parts of functionality will not be there. On Debian, just install samizdat package (you may also want to check for a newest version in the experimental archive), and follow the instructions there. Install Samizdat Engine ----------------------- If you can't use the Debian package of Samizdat, use Minero Aoki's setup.rb script supplied with Samizdat source: ruby setup.rb all Check --help if you want to change default paths, use --no-harm option to check where the files will go. Make sure that *.yaml files go to /usr/local/share/samizdat, or put it in a place where Samizdat can find it (see SiteConfig::CONFIG_DIRS in engine/deployment.rb). Unfortunately, setup.rb doesn't do all the job: it doesn't know anything about CGI scripts and PO localization files, so these have to be installed manually. Copy cgi-bin directory to /usr/local/share/samizdat, generate .mo files from po/*.po (using msgfmt from GNU gettext or rmsgfmt from Ruby/GetText) and place them where gettext can find them: cp -R cgi-bin /usr/local/share/samizdat/ mkdir -p /usr/local/share/locale/$LANG/LC_MESSAGES msgfmt po/$LANG.po -o /usr/local/share/locale/$LANG/LC_MESSAGES/ If you are not able to place your MO-files in a standard location, you will have to specify your own locale path in /etc/samizdat/defaults.yaml or in your site-specific config file. One Code To Run Them All ------------------------ The preferred way to run Samizdat is to have all sites share the same code installed under /usr, and have site configurations under /etc/samizdat. To achieve that, copy sites.yaml and defaults.yaml to /etc/samizdat and create the /etc/samizdat/sites directory. For each of your sites, create .yaml in /etc/samizdat/sites/, using config.yaml as a template: mkdir -p /etc/samizdat/sites cp data/samizdat/{sites,defaults}.yaml /etc/samizdat cp data/samizdat/config.yaml /etc/samizdat/sites/samizdat.yaml This is the way the Debian package of Samizdat sets things up. Later on you should customise .yaml as the main configuration file for your Samizdat site. You may transfer parts of defaults.yaml to each .yaml if your separate sites require more specialisation of configuration parameters. Samizdat in a Home Directory ---------------------------- If your hosting doesn't allow you to install anything outside your home directory, you can still run Samizdat from there: MY_SITE=$HOME/public_html/samizdat mkdir -p $MY_SITE cp -R cgi-bin/*.rb lib/samizdat data/samizdat/{css,*.yaml} $MY_SITE When Samizdat can't determine your site from /etc/samizdat/sites.yaml, it falls back to looking for config.yaml in script's current directory. Make sure that you block access to your *.yaml config files from outside, especially if you put database passwords there. Uploads and Other Site-specific Content --------------------------------------- Wherever you put standard Samizdat files and configs, every site needs a bit of its own room, some place that will be served directly by your web server, without involvement of Samizdat scripts. At the very least, you need some directory to store the files uploaded by your users. By default, these files go to "content" subdirectory of your site base directory, this location is specified in site:content option in your site-specific config file, you can also comment this option out to disable file upload on your site. Wherever you place this directory, make sure it is writeable by the CGI scripts user (www-data user and group on Debian) and served by your Web server from the location you specify in site config. Other things that are served from site base directory may include site logo, favicon, and static fragments included from the front page. There are no restrictions on how you set these up, just don't put them inside the writable content directory. Object Cache ------------ If at all possible, configure your site to use Samizdat's dRuby object cache server. It provides syncronized object cache for multiple web server processes, improving cache consistency and overall performance. In addition to caching, dRuby cache syncronizes the database access, so that identical queries only hit the database server once, and the result is then propagated to all processes that requested this data. The server is initiated by samizdat-drb-server script, it is a good idea to run it via init script on each system reboot. On Debian, you can enable start of samizdat-drb-server on system boot by setting ENABLED=1 in /etc/default/samizdat. Create Database --------------- If you're in a hurry, just run as root (replace "samizdat" with the name of your site): samizdat-create-database samizdat pgsql This script will generate a database with empty tables and triggers, create a user with the same name, and grant that user all necessary access rights. You can do the same things manually, this will give you a better idea of how things are organized and how to fix when they break. Run the following as postgres superuser: createdb --encoding UNICODE samizdat createlang plpgsql samizdat createuser -SDR samizdat cd /usr/local/share/samizdat/database psql samizdat -f create-pgsql.sql psql samizdat -f triggers-pgsql.sql psql samizdat -f grant-pgsql.sql If you use non-default database and user name (for example, if you have more than one site on the same machine), replace "samizdat" with your database and user name in the above examples, and run grant-pgsql.sql through sed before feeding it to psql: sed -e 's/samizdat/username/g' grant-pgsql.sql | psql dbname Connect to the Database ----------------------- To let Samizdat know how to connect to the database you've just created, you should specify DSN (data source name), user name and password in the "db" section of your site-specific config file. Make sure this file cannot be retrieved by your users: if someone gains direct access to your database, they can do whatever they want to your site without you ever knowing it. Luckily, PostgreSQL's IDENT authentication mechanism allows you to avoid storing database passwords anywhere: if you have full control over PostgreSQL configuration and run it on the same host as your web server, you can allow your web server connect to your database without password, using underlying Unix system's authentication instead. Read below on how to configure PostgreSQL for IDENT. If you can't have this luxury, use pwgen to generate a secure password and move on to the next session. First, create a separate database user for yourself, so that you don't have to switch to postgres superuser to do maintainance of your database. Replace "angdraug" with your login name in the following command and later on: createuser angdraug Allow yourself and "postgres" database superuser to connect under the same name using IDENT authentication, and allow web server ("www-data") to connect as user "samizdat". To achieve that, put following lines into pg_ident.conf (on Debian, config files are located under /etc/postgresql, on some systems they are located in PostgreSQL data directory instead): # MAP IDENT PGUSERNAME samizdat angdraug angdraug samizdat www-data samizdat Tell PostgreSQL to use the above mapping and to reject remote connections. Make pg_hba.conf look like below (if you're running PostgreSQL version older than 8.0, format of this file will be slightly different, check your PostgreSQL documentation): # TYPE DATABASE USER CIDR-ADDRESS METHOD local all postgres ident sameuser local samizdat all ident samizdat local all all ident sameuser host all all ident sameuser host all all ::1/128 ident sameuser Since order of the lines in pg_hba.conf is important, make sure that Samizdat line appears before any other lines that might match, but not above the line that ensures that postgres superuser can always login. Restart PostgreSQL, try to connect: psql samizdat Now comment out the "password" option in the "db" section of the site configuration file to let PostgreSQL know that you want to use IDENT authentication. If you want a more complicated database connection scheme, replace the #db() method in samizdat/engine/deployment.rb to connect to any databases in whichever way you like. Apache Configuration -------------------- While Samizdat's dRuby object cache makes Samizdat run with reasonable speed even in plain CGI mode, you can speed it up substantially by using mod_ruby Apache module or one of FastCGI protocol implementations. My unscientific benchmarks show that running Samizdat with mod_ruby has a slightly better performance and smaller memory footprint than FastCGI. There are situations where it may be undesirable to have Ruby interpreter share the same process with the rest of Apache, In that case, use whatever FastCGI implementation is available for your web server. With Apache2, I found mod_fcgid to be just a little slower, but much more conservative about memory usage. Enable mod_ruby by putting the following line in Apache configuration file (/etc/apache/httpd.conf on Debian) and restarting the Apache: LoadModule ruby_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/ Depending on how your Apache is configured, path to can be different, check where other LoadModule directives in your httpd.conf point to. On Debian 3.1 (sarge), the proper way to enable mod_ruby in Apache 1.3 is to run: apache-modconf apache enable mod_ruby For Apache2, run: ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/ruby.* /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ You can find an example demonstrating setting up both a virtual host and a directory-based site for Apache in doc/examples/apache.conf provided by the samizdat package. It assumes that you're running Samizdat from a Debian package, if you've installed Samizdat under /usr/local, you will need to amend some paths in that file accordingly. If you have installed Samizdat engine in a non-standard location, make sure that Ruby interpreter can load the Samizdat libraries. If it can't, you will see something like the following in the error log: [error] mod_ruby: /my/site/samizdat/cgi-bin/dispatch.rb:13:in `require': no such file to load -- samizdat/engine (LoadError) The solution for mod_ruby is to add the following to your Apache configuration: RubyAddPath /my/site/samizdat/lib For a production site, you will also need to change ServerName and ServerAdmin to real values, and replace "samizdat" with the name of your the site in the paths starting with /var (not the ones starting with /usr, these lead to the Samizdat engine itself). You may also need to enable additional Apache modules (such as mod_rewrite) for this example to work. Email Interface --------------- Samizdat can verify users' emails (this gives some protection from automated mass-registration of fake identities) and recover accounts with lost passwords. To enable these features, uncomment the email section of defaults.yaml, or configure it differently for each of your sites. Make sure that the sendmail program you specify is able to send emails to the outside world, and provide a valid email address on the same domain as the webserver, so that Samizdat's emails are not blocked by spam filters. Syndication ----------- Samizdat supports both export and import of RSS feeds. You can subscribe to a feed of featured articles, recent updates, updates in a particular tag, or even a feed composed by results of an arbitrary RDF query. Pages that have RSS versions will have "rss 1.0" link at the bottom and may also be highlighted in your browser. To have several RSS feeds imported by Samizdat, uncomment and edit "import_feeds" section of your site's config file, and schedule samizdat-import-feeds script run at regular intervals on same server that runs your site. Do not make it run more often than absolutely necessary, to avoid overloading the servers where you will be importing feeds from. The imported feeds will be sorted alphabetically by name and displayed on the front page in the "Links" section. Samizdat on Windows ------------------- Samizdat was successfully set up on Windows 98 with Cygwin (thanks to Denis Valoha for details). In addition to default Cygwin components, you will also need postgresql, gcc, make, perl, ruby, cygipc, and apache packages. Ruby/Postgres and Ruby/DBI are not included in Cygwin, but can be compiled from source according to installation instructions supplied with these packages. To initialize and start PostgreSQL under Cygwin, you will need to add 'ipc-daemon2.exe' invocation to your cygwin.bat, and then run from Cygwin command line: initdb -D /var/postgres pg_ctl -D /var/postgres start Running Tests ------------- Samizdat test suite includes basic unit tests that check integrity of the Samizdat code, and a more advanced robot that performs thorough functional testing of a Samizdat installation. By default, tests run for 'samizdat' site defined in the configuration examples. If you don't have such site configured or want to run the tests for a different site specified in your sites.yaml, you will need to set environment variables SAMIZDAT_SITE, SAMIZDAT_URI, and SAMIZDAT_HOST (see defaults as set in test/tc_robot.rb). Basic unit test suite is invoked by the following command: ruby test/ts_samizdat.rb Functional test uses Net::HTTP module to interact with a working Samizdat installation, located from the base URL of your config.yaml. This test is intended for a fresh install of Samizdat engine; make ABSOLUTELY sure that you don't direct this robot to a production site! The test makes several assumptions about the configuration of the site. Email interface should be disabled (this is necessary because the test uses fake email addresses for account creation and can't respond to confirmation requests), post access for guests should be denied, and vote access for members should be allowed. After you have made sure that you can connect directly to your web server, and double-checked your configuration, fire up the robot: ruby test/tc_robot.rb If any of the tests report failure, please send us output of the failed test (including errors reported in web server error log in case of functional test), accompanied by description of your system and versions of software packages required by Samizdat (listed in Required Software section).