Samizdat RDF Storage ==================== Mapping RDF Model to SQL Schema ------------------------------- Resources Core representation of Samizdat content is RDF. Canonic uriref for any Samizdat resource is http:///, where is a base URL of the site and is unique (within site) numeric id of the resource. Comment: RDF requires that uriref is mapped one-to-one to the resource, but it does not mandate that resource is accessible by its uriref; in Samizdat, resource uriref points to the location where resource was first published, and not necessarily to where it can be located at any time in future. Basis of SQL representation of RDF resources is "Resource" table with "id" primary key field holding , and "label" field representing resource label. Semantics of label value depend on resource type and relation to the site. Literal value (including typed literals) is stored directly in the "label" field and marked with "literal" boolean field. External resource label is the resource uriref marked with "uriref" boolean field. Internal resource is mapped into the table with name corresponding to resource class name stored in the "label" field, "id" field referencing back to the "Resource" table, and other fields holding values of internal properties for this resource class, represented as literals or references to other resources stored in "Resource" table. Additional information about internal resources and all information about non-internal resources is extracted from statements about properties of the resource, as described below. Properties RDF statements about properties of resources are represented in SQL either as field values in the record of the table corresponding to the resource class, with id of the record referencing to the record in the "Resource" table, or as {subject, predicate, object} triples in the "Statement" table. Since every such triple is treated as a reified statement in RDF semantics, i.e. resource of its own, it also is assigned a and a record in the "Resource" table. To determine what information about internal resource can be stored in and extracted from class-specific table, Samizdat storage should consult site-specific mapping of RDF property names into SQL table and field names. Default mapping of internal properties is located in the "Map" section in the "config.yaml" file. This mapping should be kept consistent with database schema ("database/create.sql"), and should be backed up with constraints and triggers that maintain references from internal resource tables to "Resource" table, as well as relations between resources as defined by RDF schema described in Concepts document. RDF Query Language ------------------ RDF graph of all resources and properties stored by the site (site knowledge base) can be queried using an RDF query language. Samizdat storage uses Squish as a basis for its query language and extends it with facilities for adding information into site KB, and with some SQL-level constructs for enhanced access to internal resources stored in relational tables. Synopsys SELECT ?node [, ...] WHERE (predicate subject object [ FILTER condition ]) [...] [ OPTIONAL (predicate subject object [ FILTER condition ]) [...] ] [ LITERAL condition ] [ ORDER BY expression ] [ USING prefix FOR namespace [...] ] Must-bind List SELECT section of a query contains comma-separated list of one or more blank nodes that must be grounded to resources or literals in the query answer. Query Pattern Main part of a Squish query is the query pattern, recorded as a sequence of "(predicate subject object)" triples in WHERE section. Query pattern defines an RDF graph that should be matched against site KB for query resolution. Query pattern must include at least one mandatory triple. Query pattern may include optional triples following the OPTIONAL keyword: if optional part of the pattern does not match, it will create no bindings but will not eliminate the solution. All blank nodes from the must-bind list must be defined in the mandatory part of the pattern. Each triple in the pattern may be followed by FILTER condition that will be imposed on the triple during query resolution (see also "SQL-level Constructs" below). Following Squish syntax, blank node names are denoted by question mark prefix, and namespace prefixes defined in USING section are expanded to produce full resource urirefs from shortcut :: form. Query Result In response to an RDF query, Samizdat storage should return sequence or stream of SQL tuples representing all possible query answers. Each query answer is such binding of all must-bind blank nodes to literals and resources which, when applied to the query pattern, produces an answer pattern entailed by the site KB. SQL-level Constructs Samizdat extends Squish query syntax with two optional sections containing constructs in SQL syntax: conditional expression in LITERAL section may be used to place arbitrary constraints on values of query pattern blank nodes; ORDER BY section may be used to sort query answers in ascending or descending order by value of any blank node or by expression derived from blank node values. In current implementation, both sections are directly executed at the database level and rely on underlying database capabilities for type conversion and operations on literals; in literal context, resources are represented by integer "id" reference to the Resource table. Example SELECT ?msg, ?title, ?name, ?date, ?rating WHERE (dc::title ?msg ?title) (dc::creator ?msg ?creator) (s::fullName ?creator ?name) (dc::date ?msg ?date) (rdf::subject ?stmt ?msg) (rdf::predicate ?stmt dc::relation) (rdf::object ?stmt tag::Quality) (s::rating ?stmt ?rating) LITERAL ?rating >= -1 ORDER BY ?rating DESC USING rdf FOR dc FOR s FOR tag FOR RDF Data Manipulation Language ------------------------------ Unlike SQL, Squish operates on whole site KB and can span across multiple relations, thus, Samizdat Squish data manipulation (assertion) statement can include both INSERT and UPDATE sections, and can insert several resources and update property values of existing and newly created resources, all in one query. Synopsys [ INSERT node [, ...] ] [ UPDATE node = value [, ...] ] WHERE (predicate subject object [ FILTER condition ]) [...] [ USING prefix FOR namespace [...] ] Inserted Nodes List INSERT section contains comma-separated list of blank nodes in assertion that may not be ground to resources already present in site KB, and should be added to the site KB instead. Assignment Section UPDATE section contains comma-separated list of assignments of new values to blank nodes in assertion. Assertion Assertion is recorded as a sequence of "(predicate subject object)" triples in WHERE section, same as in Squish query. All nodes in the INSERT section, and the logical difference between assertion and site KB (the part of assertion that is not entailed by site KB) is inserted into site KB; expanded site KB is updated according to UPDATE section for all possible bindings of blank nodes in assertion. Examples UPDATE ?rating = 2 WHERE (rdf::subject ?stmt base::5) (rdf::predicate ?stmt dc::relation) (rdf::object ?stmt tag::Quality) (s::voteProposition ?vote ?stmt) (s::voteMember ?vote base::1) (s::voteRating ?vote ?rating) USING rdf FOR dc FOR s FOR tag FOR base FOR http://localhost/samizdat/ UPDATE ?email = '', ?name = 'Dmitry Borodaenko' WHERE (s::email base::1 ?email) (s::fullName base::1 ?name) USING s FOR base FOR http://localhost/samizdat/ INSERT ?msg UPDATE ?title = 'Test Message', ?content = 'Some text.' WHERE (dc::creator ?msg base::1) (dc::title ?msg ?title) (s::content ?msg ?content) (s::thread ?msg ?msg) USING dc FOR s FOR base FOR http://localhost/samizdat/