Samizdat Translations ===================== Generate .pot template ---------------------- First of all, install gettext command line utilities and the latest Ruby/GetText (see installation manual). Early versions of rgettext (including the one in Debian/sarge) failed to parse some Ruby constructs, causing messages to be missed out during template generation. Run this command line from Samizdat source root: rgettext cgi-bin/*.rb lib/samizdat/*.rb lib/samizdat/*/*.rb \ data/samizdat/templates/*.rhtml -o po/samizdat.pot New translation --------------- Copy samizdat.pot to .po, where is a two-letter code of your language as recognized by libc locales. Replace placeholder values in the header with your details, find the string "English" and replace it with the name of your language, in your language (this string will be displayed for your language in the list of available translations). Translate the messages. Use UTF-8 encoding, or at least make sure that the charset you use matches your header. Don't forget to check the context of the strings you translate. Install translation manually ---------------------------- Run the following to compile the .po file and put the translation where GetText libraries can find it: msgfmt po/.po \ -o /usr/local/share/locale//LC_MESSAGES/ Update old translation ---------------------- Run the following to merge an old translation with the freshly generated template: msgmerge --no-wrap .po samizdat.pot -o .new.po Track down and check all fuzzy matches (grep for 'fuzzy'), translate untranslated messages (grep for 'msgstr ""'). Front page header in example configuration ------------------------------------------ Open data/samizdat/config.yaml and find a section starting with: site: header: en: > and followed by translations to some other languages. To make the default Samizdat setup give a proper welcome to speakers of your language, add a translation in your language, using UTF-8 encoding and the same HTML markup.