$Id: README,v 1.6 2001/12/11 19:17:12 tilk Exp $ ~-_-~-_-~-_-~_-~-_-~-_-~_-~-_-~-_-~_-~-_-~-_-~_-~-_-~_-~-_-~-_-~_-~-_-~-_-~ _______ _ _ _ _____ _____ _____ _ |__ __(_) | | |_ _| __ \ / ____| | | | _| | | __ | | | |__) | | | | ___ __ _ | | | | | |/ / | | | _ /| | | |/ _ \ / _` | | | | | | < _| |_| | \ \| |____| | (_) | (_| | |_| |_|_|_|\_\_____|_| \_\\_____|_|\___/ \__, | __/ | the ultimate IRC logger |___/ "IRC logs. Only logs." ~-_-~-_-~-_-~_-~-_-~-_-~_-~-_-~-_-~_-~-_-~-_-~_-~-_-~_-~-_-~-_-~_-~-_-~-_-~ (c) 2001 Marek Materzok Project homepage: http://irclog.tilk.geos.pl/ 1. Introduction I am intensively using IRC. I've created my own IRC server to host some channels. Then I wanted to log all channel traffic. I've quickly found generic IRC clients such as BitchX not good for this purpose. My server is very experimental and is very often rebooted, and BitchX can't start and continue logging without user intervention. I also wanted to send the logs via mail to other channel maintainers. None of programs I know has the ability to do this... So I started tilkIRClog project. I've taken Python modules irclink.py and ircmultiplexer.py created by Steinar Knutsen as a framework. Base code was written in one week (including testing and fixing:). Now TilkIRClog is fully functional IRC logging software, ready to use for everyone (with Python interpreter:) 2. Requirements * Python version 2.1 or later * Shell account in POSIX compatible OS * E-mail account ;> 3. Features * Logging on many channels * Different recipient list for each channel * Advanced IRC services support * Customizable look of logs (timestamps, indent, linewrapping etc.) * Log compressing * Automatic start from CRON 4. Installation Look to ./INSTALL for details. 5. License TilkIRClog is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License, included in COPYING file. 6. Contribution I'll be happy to receive bugreports, patches, and even ideas for future versions of tilkIRClog. Just send to tilk@tilk.geos.pl. Thank you.