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Copyright (C) 2024 Free Software Foundation

Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.

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Importing list archives from another mailman server

  1. Get the mbox formatted list archives from the other server
  2. Create the new list
  3. example of importing the list archives
scp userops.mbox
chown mharc:mharc userops.mbox
mv userops.mbox /home/mharc
sudo -i -u mharc
export LISTNAME=mediagoblin-userops
formail -s /usr/bin/procmail -p /home/mharc/procmailrc.mailman <userops.mbox
# wait for archiving cronjob to run, or turn it off and run manually:
/home/mharc/bin/web-archive -verbose |& tee -a /home/mharc/log/web-archive.log
cd ~list/mailman/archives/private
mkdir mediagoblin-userops
cd mediagoblin-userops
mv /home/mharc/userops.mbox mediagoblin-userops.mbox
chown list:list mediagoblin-userops.mbox