mainpppsurvd's project - Summary

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2 active members

Group identification
Id: 3149
System Name: pppsurvd
Name: pppsurvd's project
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

pppsurvd is a little deamon which can survey your connection and, when it disconnects, running your own re-connexion tool (it could be a part of pppsurvd's project). It is also able to contact your Dynamic DNS service provider to give him your new IP (it could be a part of pppsurvd's project).

It works verifying the existence of a given interface (like ppp0) and if it passes, pinging your first router placed on this interface.

The pppsurvd's tools are programs which are able to reconnect an interface (like pppsurvd-eciusb or pppsurvd-speedtouchusb which are respectivly able to reconnect an ECI USB ADSL modem and a Speedtouch USB modem) or to update your dynamic DNS (like pppsurvd-dyndns which is able to contact to update it) or even adapt pppsurvd to a specific GNU/Linux distribution or etc...

pppsurvd was created to work only on UNICES plateforms and more precisely on GNU/Linux plateforms. It requires principaly ifconfig, ping, bash.

pppsurvd is now still in development but it appears to be stable working alone. Some pppsurvd's tools always appear not enough stable today, but are working properly in most use cases.
We are looking for time to release it publicly... we also want to make important changes to the rc-scripts. It's coming soon ;c)

If all the project is not complete here... excuse me. I'm quite busy but I work on it !

Registration Date: Tue 15 Oct 2002 11:07:42 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 4 - Beta


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