Space Hulk - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
Space Hulk is a science-fiction board game in the world of Warhammer 40000. The project is aiming at providing a way to play SpaceHulk on your computer with the exact same rules as in the board version.
Registration Date: Tue 09 Apr 2002 11:39:53 AM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable
posted by rom_vinot, Thu 16 Oct 2003 09:06:46 AM UTC
Finally, after one month and a half of quiet playing, here comes a new release.
Main new feature is the network game !
There have also been some big clean-ups.
Network game is still quite simple. So I advised you to use any Instant Messenger during your play to be able to communicate with the other player.
posted by rom_vinot, Thu 28 Aug 2003 12:18:49 PM UTC
A new release for SpaceHulk has made is way through the web with few but important improvements :
- SMTP authentification has been implemented.
- A minimap has been added.
- Some more bugfixes about rules interpretation (entering the board does cost 1 AP finally).
I hope this is the last release in the 1.4.* serie. So expect a network-enabled 1.5.0 release in the next month (or two ?)
posted by rom_vinot, Wed 06 Aug 2003 07:56:25 AM UTC
A new release of spacehulk mainly a bug fix release :
- Last file after end of game was not sent in PBEM game
- Add a new condition for winning about type or turn
- Fix an incorrect rule implementation : blips can't be moved in a visible square. They must be reverted first. This implies that the heuristic for unvoluntary reversion is not
posted by rom_vinot, Mon 07 Jul 2003 08:30:27 AM UTC
1.4.3 is a small release with only one little new feature : you can undo one simple movement (if no dice roll are not by this movement) but may important bug fixes :
- number of flamer charger are correctly set.
- messages were shown twice during a replay
- some segfault
- bulkheads info were not correclty saved
- pbem with a dead conditions were incorrect.

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