mainGnoppix - Support: sr #103244, framebuffer manual setting/...


sr #103244: framebuffer manual setting/ modprode can't locate module char-manager-134

Submitter:  André Mengel <orlando>
Submitted:  Sun 08 Aug 2004 11:22:57 PM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  2 - Minor Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Operating System:  None
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Sun 08 Aug 2004 11:22:57 PM UTC, original submission:  

Hello folks,

I didn't want to post this as bug, as I'm not really qualified to do so, err...

Anyway after attempting to start gdm the screen goes blank. I know the same problem from Knoppix, where I can evade it by booting with a kernel that manually sets the framebuffer to my desired values, 1024x768.

Without this option I receive a prompt that says unable to reserve framebuffer memory and request if another fb would already be running.
This bug appears since I use a monitor which is known to the installer (CTX1785S), but then it sets the wrong framerate I  suppose.

With Gnoppix it just said that it variosly tried to start the X-server or something I can't remember - the message stood there for less then a second, which was not enough time to read everything.
And it said: modprobe: can't locate module char-manager-134

By the way, after System-halt you should let the system wait for Enter or Anykey before Power-Down, so that one can take the CD out.

André M.

André Mengel <orlando>


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