mainFIM: Fbi IMproved - Support: sr #109465, how to adjust verbose text size


sr #109465: how to adjust verbose text size

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Wed 21 Feb 2018 06:48:22 PM UTC
Category:  None Priority:  5 - Normal
Severity:  3 - Normal Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Originator Email:  -email is unavailable- Open/Closed:  Open
Operating System:  GNU/Linux
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Fri 30 Mar 2018 11:12:36 AM UTC, comment #4: 

Hello Michele,

Finally, with some help of a linux guy I got my problem fixed.
FIM 0.6-trunk is running fine on my RaspberryPI B and fontsize now
has an readable size.
Thank you for your help.

Ciao Stephan

Wed 28 Feb 2018 09:33:48 PM UTC, comment #3: 

There are many parameters one might want to play with in this, but if I understood correctly your intended usage of fim, then you might want to start with such a ~/.fimrc:

while(1){next;sleep 1;}

and invoking fim like e.g. "fim ~/Pictures".

The canonical build instructions are those of the README file:
more is not needed.
This is also repeated here:

If you are more specific wrt the build problems you have, I might help.

dezperado <dezperado>
Group administrator
Mon 26 Feb 2018 05:48:35 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Hello Michele,

I wasn't aware a new version fim-0.6-trunk is availble for download. My installation is FIM - Fbi IMproved 0.5-rc2 which is what you get with APT.

So my font problem might go away once 0.6 is installed?
Unfortunately I am not familiar with make and stuff (Windows spoilt user) and so far I didn't have success even after reading provided readme.first and readme.

BTW: My goal is a fully automated slideshow without keyboard control. Everything incl. fontsize should be in .fimrc.
Please, could you provide me an example file, how to set up fim font loading for verbos text?

Ciao Stephan

Sat 24 Feb 2018 10:48:39 AM UTC, comment #1: 

Hi Stephan.

Thanks for feedback.

Correct: fim does not support TTF fonts unfortunately.
But assuming you are using a version like e.g.
then with the keys [ and ] you should be able to increase/decrease font size by a specified factor (1x,2x,..), and with { and } cycle through the list of detected system fonts.

Look for 'font' in 'man fimrc'.
And let me know what do you think about it!


dezperado <dezperado>
Group administrator
Wed 21 Feb 2018 06:48:22 PM UTC, original submission:  

fim performs very well on my raspberry pi in general.
The only issue unsolved is displayed verbose text which is too small. In the past, when I used fbi "Liberation Mono-24" was a perfect font. Unfortunately TTF seems not to be supported by fim

Please, can you help me and explain, how to increase text size?

Thank you in advance



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