taskTransport Sample Protocol - Tasks: Statistics


Statistics by 'Percent Complete':

Field Description:

Open Items

0% 18/31 58%
20% 2/31 6%
30% 1/31 3%
60% 2/31 6%
70% 1/31 3%
80% 1/31 3%
90% 3/31 10%
100% 3/31 10%


All Items

0% 20/58 34%
20% 3/58 5%
30% 3/58 5%
50% 1/58 2%
60% 2/58 3%
70% 1/58 2%
80% 1/58 2%
90% 3/58 5%
100% 24/58 41%


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