bugCrack Attack! - Bugs: bug #17343, AI not following the game rules,...


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bug #17343: AI not following the game rules, instant death ? v. 1.1.14 & 1.1.15

Submitter:  Isaac <sr_bernat>
Submitted:  Sun 06 Aug 2006 09:22:53 PM UTC
Category:  general Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  computer player Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open Operating System:  Microsoft Windows

Sat 12 Aug 2006 07:54:08 PM UTC, comment #1: 

For now it has not been the intention to have the AI follow the rules of the game like the player has to. That said, we do intend to make some improvements to making the AI feel more realistic.

On the long run, it would be cool if the AI would actually have the exact same restrictions as the player. This would also make it possible to actually see it playing. However, implementing this is a big challenge.

The x12 is not the combo limit. It's just the largest number for which a texture exists. We might look into making it possible to count up indefinitely.

You've got some impressive videos going on there. :-)

Bjørn Lindeijer <b_lindeijer>
Group Member
Sun 06 Aug 2006 09:22:53 PM UTC, original submission:  


     I am writing this post enquiring in various serious bugs on the game's AI, specially on "Hard mode". I used version 1.1.14 and tried the alpha 1.1.15 and the bug persists.

 1. Sometimes the computer player just "dies instantly" i.e. ignoring the minimum time ( 7 seconds ? ) one DO survive even when collapsed with cubes.

 2. When, let's say the CPU is counterattacked with some consecutive x12's ( I don't know either why this is the comboing limit ), his screen ( taking in consideration that his speed is instant ) MUST be surpassing the top of the screen ( a combo of this size produces very big blocks indeed ) at least enough time for the big ammount of trash to be converted into cubes, and this does not occur. The CPU heigth bar is still unvariable or too low for the ammount of trash sent. The trash cannot be destroyed   instantle even if the speed of the cursor is instant, there is a delay time for the trash block to be splitted into cubes. A link to google videos better show this case http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-438314663922729081&q=crack+attack the video is just about 1:30 minutes in length, so please check it out if skeptic.

 3. Finally, sometimes the CPU player seems "idle" for and undefinite ammount of time, as it does not send trash to the human player, when this happens and his trash overflow the top, the CPU player does not "die instantly" and the minimum time to die elapses before finally loosing the match.

     I hope you could fix this bugs, find the report useful, or at least understand my mediocre English.

     Best regards,


Isaac <sr_bernat>


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