buggNewSense GNU/Linux - Bugs: bug #30758, metad yeeloong install - grub...


bug #30758: metad yeeloong install - grub error message

Submitter:  Peter Link <plink1>
Submitted:  Thu 12 Aug 2010 12:49:58 PM UTC
Category:  gNewSense 3 Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  mipsel Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Thu 12 Aug 2010 12:49:58 PM UTC, original submission:  

This happened more than 3 times while loading gNS metad to a Yeeloong using the USB method posted on the wiki.


After I answered the questions about the command line and default
command line ("quiet"), I got a dialog box with the header:

Configuring linux-image-

"You are attempting to install an initrd kernel image
linux-image- This will not work unless you have configured your boot loader to use initrd. (...)

I repeat, You need to configure your boot loader - please read...

If you have already done so, and you wish to get rid of this message, please put "do-initrd=Yes" in /etc/kernel-img.conf.

Note that this is optional, but if you do, you will continue to see this message whenever you install a kernel image using initrd.

Do you want to abort now?"

I answered 'no' and continued.

Later on I got a second message, with the header:

!Continue without boot loader
No boot loader installed

"No boot loader has been installed either because you chose not to or because your specific architecture doesn't support a boot loader yet.

You will need to boot manually with the /vmlinux kernel on /dev/hda1 and root=/dev/hda1 passed as a kernel argument."

I finished the install and re-booted normally without any problems.
I saw a Grub screen as I have previously.

Peter Link <plink1>


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