bugstoreBackup - Bugs: Browse Items

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36 matching items

Item ID Summary down Status Assigned to Submitted
#29001 absolutePath (fileDir.pl) failing if $ENV{PWD} empty Fixed 2010-02-24
#42287 After upgrade to newer version (3.5) cronjob fails Fixed 2014-05-04
#39994 An error happen when I backup data. Fixed 2013-09-10
#40255 backup big file failed 2013-10-13
#32787 Bug in /usr/share/storebackup/lib/dateTools.pl, function sub: false calculation of seconds $s1 Fixed 2011-03-15
#27263 Cannot link unchanged files Invalid 2009-08-16
#38425 Dateien Ausschließen geht nicht?! Invalid 2013-02-27
#43943 Directories in backup do not have the original permissions Fixed 2015-01-06
#46605 exceptDirs being checked after mount with precommand doesn't work 2015-12-04
#40867 exceptRule= '$file =~ m#/do_not_backup/#' maintains subdirectories in backup 2013-12-10
#28068 Generated config file semi-colons Invalid 2009-11-21
#40547 illegal parameter for option keepRelative, must be a list of intervals Invalid 2013-11-11
#40929 linkToDirs.pl changes file premissions of linked-to files (instead of the link itself) Fixed 2013-12-16
#42325 linkToRecent problem in 3.5 Fixed 2014-05-09
#43980 minor typos in help doc Fixed 2015-01-11
#53203 Missleading error message from linkToDirs.pl if targetDir does not existe 2018-02-22
#40839 no gnucp: internal error: cannot save file tyes Sbcp Fixed 2013-12-08
#53204 Option to limit the number of hard-links 2018-02-22
#45642 parameter "compress" seems not to be recognized 2015-07-28
#46680 postcommand not executed if there is an error during backup 2015-12-13
#53270 Question on Warnings from interrupted backups 2018-03-02
#39869 Recover does nothing/hangs (except one line of feedback due to --verbose) 2013-08-26
#30624 silently ignore -c parameter if --checkDevicesBS0 if lower than 1M 2010-08-01
#28155 storebackup 3.2: Owner in Backup wrong, even if ignorePerms=no Invalid 2009-12-03
#29836 storeBackup does not "use warnings" Fixed 2010-05-09
#44510 storeBackup doesn't delete some files/directory from old backup 2015-03-11
#50662 Storebackup doesn't notice corruption of .md5CheckSums.bz2 2017-03-28
#43422 storebackup fails if in a previous Backup a Dir is excluded with a ' in it's name. Fixed 2014-10-15
#40791 storeBackup seems not to obey tmpDir setting Fixed 2013-12-03
#53766 storeBackup stops because of lack of ram 2018-04-27
#31154 storeBackup terminated unexpected with ... setting atime, mtime of directories ... Invalid 2010-09-28
#27151 storeBackupls ignores keepLastOfWeek in config file Fixed 2009-07-31
#40084 StoreBackupUpdateBackup removes lock file even if remote process is running Fixed 2013-09-22
#42964 test mode / --dry-run? 2014-08-11
#42205 Too much output on backup Fixed 2014-04-27
#39915 when aborting store-backup the lockfile /tmp/storeBackup.lock does not get deleted Fixed 2013-09-01

36 matching items

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