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Group Description Type
[cim] GNU Cim Cim is a compiler for the programming language Simula. Official GNU software
[gnucap] Gnu Circuit Analysis Package GnuCap is a general purpose circuit simulator. It performs nonlinear dc and transient analyses, fourier analysis, and ac analysis. Official GNU software
[clisp] GNU CLISP - an ANSI Common Lisp GNU CLISP is a portable ANSI Common Lisp implementation. It features an interpreter, a compiler, a debugger, the CLOS object system, a foreign function interface, sockets, fast bignums, i18n. Official GNU software
[gnustandards] GNU Coding Standards Sources for the GNU Coding Standards and GNU Maintainer Information documents. Official GNU software
[gcl] GNU Common Lisp GCL is a Common Lisp currently compliant with the CLtL1 standard. Lisp compilation produces native code through the intermediary of the system's C compiler, from which GCL derives efficient performance and facile portability. Currently uses TCL/Tk as GUI. Official GNU software
[coreutils] GNU Core Utilities The GNU Core Utilities are the basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU Operating System. Official GNU software
[cpio] GNU cpio GNU cpio is an archiver program that handles cpio and tar archives. Official GNU software
[gnu-crypto] GNU Crypto GNU Crypto aims at providing free, versatile, high-quality, and provably correct implementations of cryptographic primitives and tools in the Java programming language for use by programmers and end-users. Official GNU software
[cssc] GNU CSSC GNU CSSC is designed to be a compatible replacement for the traditional Unix SCCS suite. Official GNU software
[datamash] GNU Datamash GNU Datamash is a command-line program which performs basic numeric,textual and statistical operations on input textual data files. it is designed to be portable and reliable, and aid researchers to easily automate analysis pipelines, without writing c Official GNU software
[gdbm] GNU dbm GNU dbm is a library of database functions that use extensible hashing and works similar to the standard UNIX dbm functions. Official GNU software
[ddrescue] GNU ddrescue GNU ddrescue is a data recovery tool for files or block devices (hard discs, cdroms, etc). Official GNU software
[dico] GNU dico Modular dictionary server (RFC 2229) and client programs. Official GNU software
[diffutils] GNU diff utilities The GNU diffutils are comprised of diff, diff3, sdiff, and cmp; we hope to add patch and wdiff. Official GNU software
[dionysus] GNU Dionysus GNU Dionysus has been decommissioned. Official GNU software
[direvent] GNU direvent File system event monitor Official GNU software
[ed] GNU ed The standard GNU text editor. Official GNU software
[edma] GNU EDMA GNU EDMA is an open and modular development environment similar to the Component Object Model or the System Object Model. GNU EDMA allows to use most of the classic OO task (inheritance,virtual method override,..) dynamically . Official GNU software
[enscript] GNU Enscript GNU Enscript converts ASCII files to PostScript, HTML, or RTF and stores generated output to a file or sends it directly to the printer. It includes features for `pretty-printing' (language-sensitive code highlighting) in several programming languages. Official GNU software
[gnue] GNU Enterprise GNU Enterprise is a project aimed at developing a complete enterprise level business environment. Official GNU software
[fdisk] GNU fdisk GNU fdisk is a suite of alternate command-line interfaces to libparted. Official GNU software
[ferret] GNU Ferret Free Entity Relationship and Reverse Engineering Tool Official GNU software
[librefm] GNU FM GNU FM is a project to help you keep track of what music you like and share that, with your friends, discover new music, and meet new people who share your taste in music. Official GNU software
[foliot] GNU Foliot GNU Foliot is a small and easy to use time keeping application. Official GNU software
[fontutils] GNU Font Utilities See the fontutils home page. Official GNU software

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