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Group | Description | Type |
[mes] GNU Mes | GNU Mes aims to help create full source bootstrapping for GNU/Linux systems such as GuixSD. It features a mutual self-hosting Scheme interpreter written in a simple C, and a Nyacc-based C compiler written in GNU Guile-compatible Sc | Official GNU software |
[metaexchange] GNU Metadata Exchange Utilities | The GNU Metadata Exchange Utilities comprise a package for retrieving metadata from servers, writing it to databases, querying the databases, and representing the results in human-readable form. It is intended that the package be extended so that it can b | Official GNU software |
[micron] GNU micron | Micron is an implementation of the UNIX cron daemon, a program that executes periodically various tasks. It provides several important enhancements while maintaining reasonable level of compatibility with the two most widely used cron implementations: Vix | Official GNU software |
[mc] GNU Midnight Commander | GNU Midnight Commander is a text-mode full-screen file manager. | Official GNU software |
[mifluz] GNU mifluz | A thread safe C++ library to manage and search full text indexes. Can be linked to C programs, statically or dynamically. | Official GNU software |
[miscfiles] GNU Miscellaneous Files | This is a collection of files not of crucial importance for system administration or operation, but which have come to be common; for example, country codes, telephone codes, airport codes, and so on. | Official GNU software |
[mdk] GNU MIX Development Kit | MDK provides tools for developing and executing, in a MIX virtual machine, MIXAL programs. The MIX is Donald Knuth's mythical computer (described in the first volume of TAOCP), which is programmed using MIXAL, the MIX assembly language. | Official GNU software |
[gnump3d] GNU MP3 Streaming Server | A portable perl based server for streaming audio and movies. | Official GNU software |
[mpria] GNU Multi-Precision Rational Interval Arithmetic Library | GNU MPRIA is intended to be a portable mathematical library written in C for Multi-Precision Rational Interval Arithmetic computations. | Official GNU software |
[nano] GNU nano | GNU nano is a GPLed clone of the Pico text editor. It aims to emulate Pico as closely as possible, while adding several extra features. | Official GNU software |
[nano-archimedes] GNU Nano-Archimedes | Official GNU software | |
[gg-network] GNU Network Group | Official GNU software | |
[inetutils] GNU Networking Utilities | The GNU Networking Utilities are the common networking utilities, clients and servers of the GNU Operating System. | Official GNU software |
[octave] GNU Octave | GNU Octave is a high-level language, primarily intended for numerical computations. It provides a convenient command line interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically. | Official GNU software |
[goptical] GNU Optical design and simulation library | Goptical is a C++ optical design and simulation library. Goptical is free software and is part of the GNU project. | Official GNU software |
[orgadoc] GNU OrgaDoc | OrgaDoc has been designed to easily copy and maintain a pool of documents between computers. You can synchronise your documents pool with rsync or unison. You don't need to install a database server (like MySql or PostgreSql). | Official GNU software |
[gpaint] GNU Paint | A small, easy-to-use paint program for the GNU Desktop, GNOME. A port of xpaint to the GNOME environment, with a GNOME interface. | Official GNU software |
[parallel] GNU Parallel | GNU *parallel* is a shell tool for executing jobs in parallel. A job is typically a single command or a small script that has to be run for each of the lines in the input. The typical input is a list of files, a list of hosts, a list of users, or a list | Official GNU software |
[parted] GNU Parted | GNU Parted is a program for creating and manipulating partition tables. | Official GNU software |
[patch] GNU patch | Patch takes a patch file containing a difference listing produced by the diff program and applies those differences to one or more original files, producing patched versions. | Official GNU software |
[paxutils] GNU paxutils | GNU paxutils is a collection of archive utilities. | Official GNU software |
[pdf] GNU pdf | GNU PDF has been decommissioned. The goal of the GNU PDF project is to develop and provide a free, high-quality and fully functional set of libraries and programs that implement the PDF file format (and associated technologies). | Official GNU software |
[pem] GNU Pem | GNU Personal Expenses Manager | Official GNU software |
[polyxmass] GNU polyxmass | This project aims at giving a Free User a mass spectrometric framework for predicting/analyzing mass data for any polymer sequence of any polymer chemistry type. | Official GNU software |
[books] GNU Press non-technical books | Official GNU software |
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