bugSwarm - Bugs: bug #2877, PATHDELIM of '\' causes my cygwin...


bug #2877: PATHDELIM of '\' causes my cygwin compile to fail

Submitter:  Perry <puddle>
Submitted:  Wed 19 Mar 2003 11:40:00 PM UTC
Category:  Swarm Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  None
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Open
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Sat 09 Apr 2005 03:29:15 AM UTC, comment #1: 

My guess why this didn't work is because you used Cygwin Emacs (reasonable) instead of the native Emacs.  There used to be reliability issues with the Cygwin emacs, and thus Swarm issued calls to Emacs using DOS sytle pathnames expecting the native Emacs.

One experiment a person could try would be to change the `configure' script where the

 if test "$host_os" = cygwin; then

to match for "cygwinx" instead of "cygwin".  If it worked ok for a full build then the conditional could be dropped in favor of just the "else" values for Unix.

On the other hand, keeping this kind of logic around can be handy for conducting builds without Cygwin, for example when doing builds with Mingw.

So the short answer is to force the build behavior you want on Windows by changing conditionals like this in the configur script.

Marcus G. Daniels <mgd>
Group administrator
Wed 19 Mar 2003 11:40:00 PM UTC, original submission:  

(Version: cvs source just pulled anonymously)

swarm/m4/path.m4 sets PATHDELIM to '\' for cygwin.

But, this is used in swarm/src/Makefile.am for a path in these
two lines:

$(srcdir)/SwarmEnvironment_getters.m: swarm.h getters.elc
        $(ENVEMACS) -batch -l '$(dos_abs_builddir)@PATHDELIM@getters.elc' -f generate-SwarmEnvironment-getters

which results in backslash showing up in the cygwin shell environment, I think, which causes my compilation to fail.

I don't know if PATHDELIM can be set to '/' for cygwin,
or if its use here needs to be separated from its other uses.

Perry <puddle>


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