bugpktools - Bugs: bug #46270, Fails to build with GDAL 2.0


bug #46270: Fails to build with GDAL 2.0

Submitter:  Bas Couwenberg <sebastic>
Submitted:  Wed 21 Oct 2015 09:50:12 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  Fixed
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  kempenep
Open/Closed:  Closed Operating System:  * GNU/Linux
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Sat 07 Nov 2015 06:31:07 PM UTC, comment #5: 

You can test with the GDAL 2.0.1 packages from Debian experimental on and unstable system or VM, at least FreeBSD, MacPorts, Arch Linux, Gentoo & SUSE have GDAL 2.0 available too.

Bas Couwenberg <sebastic>
Sat 07 Nov 2015 06:07:09 PM UTC, comment #4: 

Great job Bas, thanks for the patch. I am not on GDAL 2.0 yet, so have not tested for myself. Looks fine to me though. I will continue with this patch for GDAL 1.11 and test later in GDAL 2.0. I am closing this ticket as fixed for now.

Pieter kempeneers <kempenep>
Group administrator
Fri 06 Nov 2015 07:13:05 PM UTC, comment #3: 

I've patched pktools 2.6.4 Debian package to build successfully with the GDAL 2.0.1 packages available in the experimental repository.

Please review gdal-2.0.patch for the GDAL 2.0 changes. I'm not entirely sure about the correctness the GDALDriver->Create vs OGRSFDriver->CreateDataSource change for example.

I've kept the code as-is for GDAL 1.x, and added alternatives for GDAL 2.x to not require GDAL >= 2.0.

(file #35401)

Bas Couwenberg <sebastic>
Tue 27 Oct 2015 04:58:17 PM UTC, comment #2: 

You don't have to require GDAL 2.0, it's possible to support both GDAL 1.x and 2.x with conditionals like this change in OpenSceneGraph:


Bas Couwenberg <sebastic>
Tue 27 Oct 2015 04:50:13 PM UTC, comment #1: 

API needs to be adapted, more specifically Img[Reader|Writer][GDAL|OGR]. This is due to a break in backward incompatibility GDAL 1.11/2.0. This will be implemented in version 2.7 (which will then require GDAL 2.0 or higher).

Pieter kempeneers <kempenep>
Group administrator
Wed 21 Oct 2015 09:50:12 PM UTC, original submission:  

As reported in Debian Bug #802631, pktools fails to build with GDAL 2.0:

  error: 'Open' is not a member of 'OGRSFDriverRegistrar'
  error: 'class GDALDriver' has no member named 'GetName'
  error: invalid conversion from 'GDALDriver*' to 'OGRSFDriver*'

The full build log is attached.

pktools needs to be patched to support GDAL 2.0, please refer to the MIGRATION GUIDE FROM GDAL 1.11 to GDAL 2.0 for pointers.

Bas Couwenberg <sebastic>


(Note: upload size limit is set to 16384 kB, after insertion of the required escape characters.)

Attach Files:

Attached Files
file #35401:  gdal-2.0.patch added by sebastic (7KiB - text/x-diff)
file #35254:  pktools_gdal-2.0.log added by sebastic (88KiB - text/x-log)


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  • -email is unavailable- added by kempenep (Posted a comment)
  • -email is unavailable- added by sebastic (Submitted the item)
  • -email is unavailable- added by sebastic

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    Follow 6 latest changes.

    Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
    2015-11-07 kempenep StatusNone Fixed
        Open/ClosedOpen Closed
    2015-11-06 sebastic Attached File- Added gdal-2.0.patch, #35401
    2015-10-27 kempenep Assigned toNone kempenep
    2015-10-21 sebastic Attached File- Added pktools_gdal-2.0.log, #35254
        Carbon-Copy- Added sebastic

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