bugG-Wrap - Bugs: bug #15972, Compiling on windows/mingw32: some...


bug #15972: Compiling on windows/mingw32: some functions unavailable

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Fri 03 Mar 2006 12:20:47 PM UTC
Category:  None Severity:  3 - Normal
Item Group:  None Status:  Need Info
Privacy:  Public Assigned to:  None
Open/Closed:  Closed
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Sat 25 Sep 2010 12:16:18 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Closing for lack of feedback. Please reopen or submit a new bug when trying to build on mingw32 with a recent g-wrap.

Andreas Rottmann <rottmann>
Group administrator
Fri 04 May 2007 02:29:55 PM UTC, comment #2: 

Regarding "indent": can you post the exact error that this fails with? There should be no failure even when "indent" is not installed, since the call is wrapped in a FALSE-IF-EXCEPTION clause.

Andreas Rottmann <rottmann>
Group administrator
Tue 14 Mar 2006 12:07:04 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Actually one additional issue with code generation from g-wrap on windows: The C code generator silently passes the resulting code file through the "indent" command. This command is unavailable on windows. The g-wrap package should have some compile-time detection logic whether this program is available, and it should disable that section in g-wrap/util.scm. My workaround: I removed the section that called the "indent" command in g-wrap/util.scm.

Fri 03 Mar 2006 12:20:47 PM UTC, original submission:  

I've tried to compile g-wrap-1.9.6 on mingw32/windows. The good news is that it largely works. :-)

The improvement suggestions are some missing macros/symbols/functions on that platform:
- vasprintf is unavailable, used in g-wrap/core-runtime.c. My workaround: Commenting out this functions; error handling postponed for later.
- The macro SSIZE_MAX is unavailable, used in the (generated?) guile/g-wrap/gw/standard.c. My workaround: Replaced by INT_MAX
- When compiling LTLIBRARIES, on windows/mingw32 in order to create (dynamic) DLLs the LDFLAGS need to contain the argument -no-undefined. I added these to libffi/Makefile, g-wrap/Makefile and guile/g-wrap/gw/Makefile.

That was actually all. Shouldn't be too difficult to add this to your distribution sooner or later. Thanks a lot.



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