bugGrammatica - Bugs: bug #4416, bug in CSharpAnalyzeFile.java -...


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bug #4416: bug in CSharpAnalyzeFile.java - Enter(), Exit() does not override base

Submitter:  None
Submitted:  Tue 22 Jul 2003 06:16:01 PM UTC
Severity:  9 - Critical Item Group:  Software
Status:  Fixed Assigned to:  cederberg
Open/Closed:  Closed

Sun 27 Jul 2003 05:45:52 PM UTC, comment #3: 

Version 1.3 has been released with this fix included.

Per Cederberg <cederberg>
Group administrator
Sun 27 Jul 2003 10:40:08 AM UTC, comment #2: 

This has now been fixed in the CSharpAnalyzerFile class. Tests have also been added to detect this issue in the future. This fix will be released with version 1.3.

Per Cederberg <cederberg>
Group administrator
Sat 26 Jul 2003 10:11:35 PM UTC, comment #1: 

Ooops... This is due to sloppy testing of the generated Analyser classes. Only the C# version is affected by this, as the Java version is tested by various parsers written using Grammatica.

This will be rectified as soon as possible, probably in version 1.3 together with some other minor fixes.

Many thanks for writing up this excellent bug report (and fixes of course).

Per Cederberg <cederberg>
Group administrator
Tue 22 Jul 2003 06:16:01 PM UTC, original submission:  

1. Generated Analyzer does not include keyword "override" and hence the framework fails to trigger callbacks.

I changed CSharpAnalyzerFile.java at line 140, 144, 148 from new CSharpMethod(CSharpMethod.PUBLIC...) to
new CSharpMethod(CSharpMethod.PUBLIC | CSharpMethod.OVERRIDE

2. XXXAnalyzer class is generated as an abstract class but the enterXXX() methods are not declared virtual. I am assuming that the generated Analyzer is supposed to be subclassed to allow users to take specific actions.

Changed new CSharpMethod(CSharpMethod.PUBLIC... to
new CSharpMethod(CSharpMethod.PUBLIC | CSharpMethod.VIRTUAL
in CSharpAnalyzeFile.java at line2 288 and 305



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Date Changed by Updated Field Previous Value => Replaced by
2003-07-27 cederberg Open/ClosedOpen None
2003-07-27 cederberg Severity5 - Major None
    StatusNone None
2003-07-26 cederberg Assigned toNone None

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