manELIM - Cookbook: recipe #213, Building elim and its dependencies...


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recipe #213: Building elim and its dependencies on Mac OS X (non-fink)

Submitter:  Vivek Dasmohapatra <fledermaus>
Submitted:  Sat 27 Jun 2009 11:36:28 AM UTC
Category:  None Importance:  3 - Normal
Status:  Approved Privacy:  Public
Assigned to:  fledermaus Open/Closed:  Open

Sat 27 Jun 2009 11:36:28 AM UTC, recipe preview:  

The following instructions were tried on Mac OS 10.4.

These instructions assume you don't want to install libraries using
Fink or MacPorts.

First, we need to satisfy the dependencies on glib-2.0, libxml-2.0, and purple.
Perhaps you need to fix your build environment before you can follow these
instructions. You probably need to have pkg-config in order to get started,
for example.

Assuming you've compiled and installed source code before, you should have a
working environment.

  • You should already have libxml.
    • You should have some files matching /usr/lib/libxml2.*


  • pidgin [actually just libpurple, for the IM protocol support]
    • You need to tell it about the libxml2 location.
    • We're also building without:
      • sound
      • meantime (Sametime)
      • avahi (Bonjour)
      • dbus
    • PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --disable-gtkui --disable-consoleui --disable-gstreamer --disable-meanwhile --disable-avahi --disable-dbus
    • cd libpurple -- we're only interested in the library!
    • make
    • sudo make install

  • *Finally we get to make ELIM!!*
    • PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/lib/pkgconfig make
    • You should end up with an elim-client binary.
    • Now go back to the README file and follow the instructions.

Originally written by Alex Schroeder.
Lifted (with minor edits) from

Vivek Dasmohapatra <fledermaus>
Group administrator


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