GtkCAD - A modular CAD/CAE/CAM software - News
posted by hjparker, Thu 29 Aug 2013 03:50:12 PM UTC
Due to contractual obligations with my new employer and the lack of users, I am suspending active development of GtkCAD.
If anyone is interested in re-activating, forking, or just plain stealing code for other projects, please contact me and I will try to help you figure it all out.
posted by hjparker, Fri 29 Jan 2010 10:16:36 PM UTC
After a much too long break, I have started to develop GtkCAD again.
I am starting by porting the code to GTK+ v2.X. I am mainly going to concentrate on the plug-in modules.
I am also planning on converting the repository to subversion. I expect that the conversion process will loose all history data. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
posted by hjparker, Thu 23 Mar 2006 11:15:08 PM UTC
GtkCAD is currently undergoing a rewrite of the data structures used for Widgets in the plug-in modules and in the data models.
New plug-in modules include the shell of a weight manager using the U.S. Navy's ESWBS weight groups and a Resistance plug-in module for parametric design.
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