newsHurd on Mach on PowerPC - News


First release of gnu-osfmig

Item posted by Jose E. Marchesi <jemarch> on Tue 26 Aug 2003 09:40:02 AM UTC.

gnu-osfmig 0.01, the mig implementation that comes embedded into the sources
of the osfmk used to derive gnu-osfmk, has been released.

Now gnu-osfmig is a separate package, and you can build it with
the autotools.

You can download gnu-osfmig from the download area or make a checkout from the gnu-osfmig CVS module.
Note that this implementation of mig is specially prepared to work with
gnu-osfmk, and it do now work with gnumach. It might work with a convenient vanilla osfmk kernel, altought.

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