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Xmldoom 0.0.5 released, sort of...

Item posted by David Snopek <xevol> on Wed 14 Apr 2004 10:20:18 PM UTC.

I have finally decided to set the hammer down and call it Xmldoom 0.0.5.  Unfortunately, the Savannah file manager is still down so I can't upload the release tarball.  I am working on moving the project to Gna! if they will have me.  More on that soon.

Contrary to my last release anouncement, this version includes tons of new features and I have ideas for tons more.  I have changed direction and focus so many times, its hard to remember what's new since 0.0.4.  Here is what I can grok from a diff -ur between the two:

Expect more frequent releases.  Hopefully, the next version won't include so many re-writes.

In the next release:

There are only so many features that can be implemented in the engine.  Hopefully I'll run out soon and I can start on writting support software.  Expect a website with tutorials in the near-to-mid future.

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