newsRiece - News


Riece 2.0.0 released

Item posted by Daiki Ueno <ueno> on Mon 29 Aug 2005 06:48:25 AM UTC.

Riece 2.0.0 is now available from:

** Support multiple coding-systems on a server.
   You can use different coding-systems for different channels. (ueno)
   For example:
   (setq riece-channel-coding-system-alist
'(("#euc-jp" . euc-jp)
   ("#utf-8" . utf-8)))

** Support uninstall, unload (dangerous) operations for add-ons.
   Now you can fully customize riece-addons in the add-on listing
   mode. (ueno)

** New mechanism for executing Ruby programs.  To use it, see the
   commentary section of riece-ruby.el. (ueno)

** New add-on riece-eval-ruby.el, which regards user input prefixed by
   ",ruby " as a Ruby program and sends the result to the current
   channel. (ueno)

** New add-on riece-shrink-buffer.el, which now takes care of periodic
   buffer shrinking.  If you have set riece-max-buffer-size, you will
   need to enable the riece-shrink-buffer add-on in the add-on listing
   mode. (ueno)

** Don't signal an error when a user is quitting, and who has joined a
   channel where you left. (ueno)

** When saving a log file, suffix the name of the coding-system used
   onto the filename.  This will avoid mojibake even
   riece-log-coding-system is not set. (ueno)

** While traversing channel list with C-c g, offer channels in order
   of precedence where they have newer unread messages. (ueno)

** Allow "@" instead of " " as a separator of a channel name and an
   IRC server name. (ueno)

** Rewrite the Japanese manual (riece-ja.texi) for IRC & Emacs
   newbies. (ueno)

* Allow users to hide *Others buffer. (ueno)

** Use seperate buffer to store debugging output. (ueno)

** Added new make rule for byte-compiling elisp files individually.
   To use it, after configure, do "make compile-individually" in
   lisp/.  (ueno)

** Include a document for developers (doc/HACKING{,.ja}) (ueno)

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