pDI-Tools - News
pDI-Tools 1.0.0 finally released
Item posted by Gerardo García Peña <killabyte> on Sun 06 Nov 2005 10:18:01 AM UTC.
All pDI-Tools 1.0.0 sources and documentation have been uploaded to Savannah.
I have also uploaded pDI-Tools doc formatted in HTML in my home server ( http://kung-foo.dhs.org/pditools/doc.html ) to be browsed online.
Documentation is still in Spanish but in the future I will try to translate its most important parts to English. At the moment you can find an English tutorial in the file README that comes with pDI-Tools distribution.
pDI-Tools .tar.gz package can be downloaded from https://savannah.nongnu.org/files/?group=pditools
Gerardo García Peña
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