newsgravaty - News


2013-02-15 15:17:05 +0100 Gravaty version 0.0.7 released

Item posted by Marco Bresciani <marcobresciani> on Fri 29 Mar 2013 02:02:01 PM UTC.

== Version 0.0.7
Added the possibility to retrieve the URL with a specified size [1; 2048].

== Version 0.0.6
Cucumber task properly configured also in RubyMine; would like to add RSpec but since there's already Cucumber, probably it's not useful.
  RDoc position changed, let's see if it become visible... Promise I'll read RubyGems docs before 0.1.0 release!

== Version 0.0.5
No new features, some configuration things refined and RDoc added.

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