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A restaurant

Item posted by Marco Bresciani <marcobresciani> on Mon 12 Oct 2015 06:51:36 PM UTC.

I have often wondered in a restaurant, seated and helpless waiting for the next course, or equally helpless wondering how to get the bill in order to square up and vacate one seat, seeing a line of people waiting to be seated, how much lost capacity the restaurant suffers from failure of supervision. If people could be served with despatch (not with haste), and the bill delivered when they are ready for it, to give up their places to incoming patrons, productivity, capacity, and profits would all increase substantially, and customers would be better satisfied.
How many patrons, of those seated, are trying in vain to signal a waiter? How many waiters are at this very time standing by, gazing into the heavens? How much food has been ready 10 minutes for waiters to deliver to the table, fit to eat 10 minutes ago, now ready for rejection? What kinds of food are only half-consumed? Snap-counts, at random times by Tippett's methods, would provide answers at low cost.[9]
What foods listed on the card outsell others? Which of them hardly ever sell? Which ones cause loss? Could they be eliminated without severe loss of patronage? Which ones could be offered once a week at a profit instead of daily at low profit or downright loss?
Of the various costs, which ones are heaviest? How could they be reduced? Alterations of food and service could be made in anticipation of a heat of a heat wave or a blizzard predicted by the National Weather Service.

[9] See Marvin E. Mundel, Motion and Time Studies (Prentice-Hall, 1950; rev. ed., 1970), p. 128; L. H. C. Tippett, "Ratio-delay study," Journal of Textile Institute Transactions 36, no. 2 (February 1935); R. L. Morrow, Time Study and Motion Economy (Ronald Press, 1946), pp. 176-199; C. L. Brisley, "How you can put work sampling to work," Factory 110, no. 7 (July 1952); 84-89; J. S. Pairo, "Using ratio-delay studies to set allowance," Factory 106, no. 10 (October 1943): 94.

-- W. Edwards Deming, "Out of the Crisis".

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