newsXlog - News


xlog 2.0.21 has been released

Item posted by Andy Stewart <andystewart> on Fri 19 Feb 2021 01:13:25 PM UTC.

Hi Everybody,

xlog 2.0.21 has been released with the following updates:

  * Modified get_smeter and get_powerlevel to use default values
    (S9 and UNKNOWN) if hamlib cannot get values from the radio
    (e.g. quisk).
  * Be sure to use at least hamlib4.1 to avoid a crash that occurs
    when using the "Select a Radio" GUI more than once.
  * Modified to check if compiler can support -W parameters
  * Updated cty.dat 20210218 (cty-3104)

People who use xlog with quisk should have a much more pleasant experience.  Also, those who use clang should see improvements in the compilation process.

Have fun and 73,


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