peoplePeople at Savannah: Bas Wijnen Resume & Skills

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Follows Resume & Skills of Bas Wijnen <shevek>.


Programmer for many years, Started with C64 basic, later changed to MSX basic, Z80 assembly, Pascal, C, C++.

I'm a strong proponent of free software, and hope to convince other people to release their products as free software by arguing and releasing my own programs under the GNU GPL.

I speak dutch and english very well, german quite well, french and esperanto a bit.


Skill Level Experience
GNU Coding Standards Base Knowledge 2 yr - 5 yr
GNU/Hurd Base Knowledge 2 yr - 5 yr
Gtk+ Base Knowledge 2 yr - 5 yr
HTML Good Knowledge 5 yr - 10 yr
C Master 5 yr - 10 yr
C++ Master 2 yr - 5 yr
GNU/Linux Master 5 yr - 10 yr
LaTeX Master Apprentice 5 yr - 10 yr
Shell Master Apprentice 5 yr - 10 yr

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