peoplePeople at Savannah: John Harrold Resume & Skills

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Follows Resume & Skills of John Harrold <gimpboy>.


i'm a graduate student in chemical engineering. i don't have any formal training in computer programming, but i have read quite a few books. not much else to say really. unlike many i'm not yet looking for a job, at least not until 2004.

i suppose one question should be answered here: <i>vim</I>.

i know this probably isn't a popular answer on this system, but hey the balance works out for me.


Skill Level Experience
C Base Knowledge 6 Mo - 2 yr
GNU/Linux Good Knowledge 2 yr - 5 yr
LaTeX Good Knowledge 6 Mo - 2 yr
Perl Good Knowledge < 6 Months
PHP Good Knowledge 6 Mo - 2 yr
PostgreSQL Good Knowledge 6 Mo - 2 yr
HTML Master 6 Mo - 2 yr

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