peoplePeople at Savannah: Maurizio Tomasi Resume & Skills

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Follows Resume & Skills of Maurizio Tomasi <zio_tom78>.


Large experience in Pascal, C and C++ programming under the following systems: MS-DOS, MS Windows (3.x, 95 and NT), OS/2 and Linux.

I have used the following visual toolkits: Turbo Vision (both the Pascal and C++ versions), Borland OWL 1.x, Inprise C++ Builder, Microsoft MFC, Trolltech QT 4.x, GTK+ 2 (using C and Python), wxWidgets.

My primary interest is in developing scientific applications. I am an astrophysicist and a member of the ESA Planck Science Team (

Currently I am interested in learning Objective-C, with the hope to help the GNUstep project.


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