Human Rights Game - People at Savannah: View a Job
Human Rights Game for Human Rights Game
Category: Developer
Submitter: melissasi
Date: Tue 14 Jun 2011 01:39:24 PM UTC
Status: Open
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
A flash game in which the player is to complete the mission of breaking the siege of Gaza.
The player is supposed to navigate, avoid and hit obstacles before arriving to the strip of Gaza without being hit by the IDF forces.
Small boats with men trying to damage and board the ship.
Helicopters flying over, hitting the ship and drops men onboard the ship, having a shield type action where Israeli commandos try to fast rope down from the Helicopter to the ship, when the shield is activated the commandos hit the shield which in a shape like an umbrella, and they simply slide off the top of the umbrella over the side of the ship and into the sea. When the commandos try to throw a ladder over the side of the ship and climb onboard the player has to try and lift the hook of the ladder off the rail of the ship and again the commandoes fall into the water. Would be great to have audio of the commandos shouting things in Hebrew and screaming as they fall and land in the water with a splashing sound. If commandos get onboard the ship then the defenders of the ship have to try and disarm them and either throw them overboard or disarm them and take them in the ship, bonus points will be given for all defensive actions. If commandos get onboard and the defenders do not get to them in time then they will kill some defenders and if the defenders to not succeed the Israeli’s take over the bridge of the ship and the mission is stopped.
The goal is to repel the Israeli’s without killing any of them. If the player does this they will sail into Gaza with hundreds of thousands of Palestinians greeting them; “YOU HAVE BROKEN THE BLOCKADE OF GAZA!” across the screen. Then you could have the defenders given the Key to the City of Gaza.
License Other license
Development Status: 1 - Planning
Details (job description, contact ...):
A flash game in which the player is to complete the mission of breaking the siege of Gaza.
The player is supposed to navigate, avoid and hit obstacles before arriving to the strip of Gaza without being hit by the IDF forces.
Contact -email is unavailable- or -email is unavailable- if you are interested!!
Required Skills:
Skill | Level | Experience |
(No skill inventory set up) |
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