peopleGUIShell - People at Savannah: View a Job


Contributing developers wanted for GUIShell

Category: Developer
Submitter: jefbed
Date: Thu 26 Aug 2010 08:49:26 PM UTC
Status: Open

This group is not part of the GNU Project.

This project allows one to create graphical user interfaces from the command line, especially within shell scripts.  GUIShell provides the gshterm terminal application, the xshell XLib GUI, the gtkshell GTK+ 2.x GUI, and the ACE sample desktop implementation and configuration framework.  gtkshell is used to implement the desktop functionality that one would expect, such as panels, terminals, command launchers, system status areas, text prompts/editors, and more.  

License GNU General Public License v2 or later

Development Status
: 5 - Production/Stable

Details (job description, contact ...):

New developers willing to contribute feature enhancements and bug fixes are wanted for GUIShell.  Tasks include rewriting portions for simplicity, building up the ACE scripted desktop environment, and contributing to the (PyGTK) and xshell (Xlib) implementations of gtkshell.  If you are interested, please contact  

Required Skills:

Skill Level Experience
C Base Knowledge < 6 Months
Bison Base Knowledge < 6 Months
Gtk+ Base Knowledge < 6 Months
Python Base Knowledge < 6 Months
Yacc Base Knowledge < 6 Months
Shell Good Knowledge 6 Mo - 2 yr

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