mainAmrita TutGen - Summary

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Id: 2434
System Name: amritatutgen
Name: Amrita TutGen
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

The project is intended to provide a framework and a collection of components that can ease the preparation of browser-based tutorials.  The main intended use is to develop tutorials for school children for explaining concepts.  A tutorial is seen as a collection of pages.  The framework will generate a tutorial based on a XML-file which gives information regarding the individual pages of the tutorial.  Each page is generated using a (passive) component implementing a standard interface (for the purpose of this introduction, let's call this - page interface).  These page components are parameterizable. Parameter information provided in the XML-file will be passed to the page components by the framework.
For generating a page the framework will instantiate the appropriate component and invoke its page interface methods. A new page type can be registered easily by writing the class which implements the standard page interface and adding an entry in a configuration XML file. The implementation language is PHP.
Project is being developed at Amrita Research Labs (, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University (, India.

Registration Date: Mon 08 Jul 2002 02:41:14 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v3 or later
Development Status: 1 - Planning


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