AVR USB - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
This project is about developing a library for USB functions for the
AT43USB3XX family of devices; starting first with the '355.
libat43usb is in the very early stages. I am just getting my prototype
hardware, the AvrUpod, soldered together. libat43usb will be targeted
toward the '355 at first, but I hope that others will contribute code
for the '32X and '38X series processors.
Registration Date: Tue 15 Apr 2003 04:42:18 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 2 - Pre-Alpha
posted by dwhall, Sat 14 May 2005 09:35:42 PM UTC
Peter has graciously given me administrator privileges so that I can take this project in a new direction. I would like to announce the creation of libat43usb, a library for the USB functions in the Atmel AT43USB3XX family of microcontrollers. The initial target is the '355 as it is the one on my AvrUpod development board. The current status of [...]
posted by petersander, Fri 18 Apr 2003 10:55:24 AM UTC - 4 replies
I've uploaded the messages I got while connecting a 2313 to a USB port.

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