BinaryFreedom - Summary
This is GNU user group. It is not part of the GNU Project.
the idea is to focus more on free software activism and take the free software ideals around the planet, get with other similar groups in Spain, South America, the USA, etc to organize something like a GNU/linux user group used to be but with an political focus, BinaryFreedom were once used to be a Linux user group, then change to a GNU/Linux user group is now concentrating its efforts in FreeSoftware ideals and other tech political issues, "we notes that all of our meetings were more political than technical in the last two years".
The name binary Freedom represents binary numbers ones and ceros, not binary code, when mean Binary Freedom as the that act of been able to liberate close code only in avalable in binary form back to source code to be open and been able to modify and recompile.
if you will like to join the groups mailing list, everyone is welcome, spoken languages are English and Spanish so far.
Registration Date: Wed 16 Aug 2006 05:06:52 AM UTC
posted by rek2, Mon 06 Nov 2006 07:28:56 PM UTC
Thanks to Tata, we have brand new flyer's to
deliver to the main MA colleges, if you want a copy please let me know.
we will start this project in 1-2 weeks from now.
posted by tata, Fri 03 Nov 2006 02:42:47 AM UTC
We have our new website up and running. BinaryFreedom is a website for those free-sotfware activist to join up forces and work together. We will be promoting FreeSoftware in colleges, universities, computer stores, etc. Everywhere to be hear or read.
If you are interesting in joining our group please visit: and join our mailing list
Thank you

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