mainBongo - Summary

Membership Info
Group Admin:
3 active members

Group identification
Id: 8859
System Name: bongo
Name: Bongo
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Bongo is a flexible and usable buffer-oriented media player for Emacs.

Registration Date: Tue 24 Oct 2006 01:29:29 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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Bongo backported to Emacs 21
     posted by dbrock, Wed 27 Dec 2006 04:43:54 PM UTC

Ever since its inception in September 2005, Bongo has been constrained to running only on Emacs 22 development snapshots.  But earlier today, a rudimentary backport to Emacs 21 was completed and merged into the main repository.  Bongo developers are encouraging everyone who is interested in this port to download the latest version of Bongo and try [...]

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