mainThe Borgshare Project - Summary

Membership Info
0 active members

Group identification
Id: 7670
System Name: borgshare
Name: The Borgshare Project
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

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This group is not part of the GNU Project.

Borgshare is a P2P software.
It's completely serverless and it manages user lists to have a fully directional communication.
Each user can contact every one in every moment (obviously after a user status check - if he is online).
Main characteristic is the use of a simple web server that generates html code about users, files to share, downloads and so on.
This is the simple and the effective way to let users use the program: they can use a normal web server to interact with the software.

Registration Date: Tue 31 May 2005 05:37:12 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 3 - Alpha


Latest News rss feed
borgshare-0.1a-krosis CVS sources upped
     posted by tefsom, Sat 30 Jul 2005 01:33:55 PM UTC

We've released the first development version of borgshare and called it krosis...or simply alpha!

Homepage added
     posted by tefsom, Thu 09 Jun 2005 08:52:51 PM UTC

The borgshare project homepage added.

Quick Overview
 Memberlist (0 members)

Communication Tools
 Mailing Lists (0 public mailing lists)

Development Tools
 Task Manager (open items: 0, total: 0)
 Patch Manager (open items: 0, total: 0)

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