mainemail-friendly files changes checker - Summary

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1 active member

Group identification
Id: 4358
System Name: checkurls
Name: email-friendly files changes checker
Group Type: non-GNU software and documentation

This group is not part of the GNU Project.

checkurls is a files changes checker.

It can help you reduce the time you lose checking for updates, letting you to read only the new things.

It monitors a list of files, and if a file changed it sends the changes to you by email, so you can use your preferred mail user agent to read them.

It has options to report only the added text, only the removed text, both, HTML to Plain-Text redering, minimum and maximum lines to report.

It is meant to be as much configurable as convenient.

Registration Date: Wed 23 Apr 2003 03:12:18 PM UTC
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Development Status: 5 - Production/Stable


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Checkurls is Unmaintained
     posted by marco_p, Sun 11 Jun 2006 05:22:14 PM UTC

UPDATE: checkurls is unmaintained. Please contact me to apply for maintaining it.

checkurls 0.5.2 bugfix release
     posted by marco_p, Mon 11 Apr 2005 06:00:22 PM UTC

The new 0.5.2 bugfix release of checkurls is avaiable in the Files section (download area).

checkurls 0.5.1 bugfix release
     posted by marco_p, Mon 23 Feb 2004 11:52:55 PM UTC

The new 0.5.1 bugfix release of checkurls is avaiable in the Files section
(download area).

checkurls project moved on savannah
     posted by marco_p, Sat 26 Apr 2003 12:37:06 PM UTC

Now checkurls uses the services offered by Savannah.

Many thanks to the Savannah and the others GNU volunteers.

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