Development Kit - Summary
This group is not part of the GNU Project.
DevelKit Framework
DevelKit Framework is an GNUstep/Cocoa framework with tools for reading, understanding and generating source code from other applications.
It's goal is to allow applications to generate code from other than textual representation, such as diagrams or other ways of description.
Implemented Features:
- ObjectiveC source reader
- ObjectiveC source generator
- project builder
- 'Class' structure related classes (class, method, instance variable)
- source file templates
- dkautogen tool that automatically generates accessor (getter ad setter), dealloc and archiving methods (interface and implementation) for given class
Future features:
- compiler tool (gcc) wrapper class
- make tool wrapper class
- gcc error handling
This framework can be used in applications which want to create their own projects (bundles/modules) in easy way. Idea behind this is, that user is not writing makefile and source files, just some chunks of code. Framework and application will create source files and makefile. User do es not have to know about existence of some project or about some compilation taking place.
Registration Date: Wed 21 May 2003 06:54:11 PM UTC
License: GNU Lesser General Public License
Development Status: 4 - Beta

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